Arrival in US -- what to expect, what to do

World International


Now that many of you that were affected by the retrogression have now received green cards and will be arriving in the US soon, I think that we should now have a thread focusing on that. As well as for all of the others from different countries.

Where to go to purchase initial items that will be needed. What to expect the first weeks of being a new resident in the US, etc. Many of us have are special places to find things.

Hi again!

Does it cost much to register dogs there? How about pet insurance? Are day care for pets expensive?


Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.
Hi again!

Does it cost much to register dogs there? How about pet insurance? Are day care for pets expensive?


It cost me $16 for a puppy and I think $36 for a dog a year older. My pet insurance is $250 a year again for a puppy but I dont think it will be much more for a year old dog, and I presume you will be bringing proof of vacinations with you. So about the same as the UK

There is a pet transport company near heathrow they quoted us for transfering cats around 400 pounds per animal.

You actually will need proof of vaccinations to even board the plane. They will definitely want to see the documents, more so than customs.:)

If the pet is small enough, you want to take them on the plane with you.....

And if they are larger, it is still much cheaper if they go on your same flight with you, but in the cargo hold. Less than 100 pounds, unless they are huge. Just fly with an airline that accepts pets. You can actually take a cat on the plane with you as well. You are only able to bring one animal per cabin.................have flown three cats overseas, as well as one dog over, and my two kids here, as well as two different Yorkies for friends.

So quite well versed with animal flights.

It cost me $16 for a puppy and I think $36 for a dog a year older. My pet insurance is $250 a year again for a puppy but I dont think it will be much more for a year old dog, and I presume you will be bringing proof of vacinations with you. So about the same as the UK

There is a pet transport company near heathrow they quoted us for transfering cats around 400 pounds per animal.

Thanks for the response Kay! :)

You actually will need proof of vaccinations to even board the plane. They will definitely want to see the documents, more so than customs.:)

If the pet is small enough, you want to take them on the plane with you.....

And if they are larger, it is still much cheaper if they go on your same flight with you, but in the cargo hold. Less than 100 pounds, unless they are huge. Just fly with an airline that accepts pets. You can actually take a cat on the plane with you as well. You are only able to bring one animal per cabin.................have flown three cats overseas, as well as one dog over, and my two kids here, as well as two different Yorkies for friends.

So quite well versed with animal flights.

Hi Suzanne! You ARE an authority with animal flights! :)

I just read the NWA site and it says that the pets have to remain in the pet kennel the whole duration of the flight. Was just wondering how your kids were during their flight to the US from Thailand? Travel time from the Philippines to New York is more than 16 hours I think. My baby, by the way is a 9 lb bundle of joy. I am just worried he might not like being cooped in a container for long periods of time. He is not used to being in a cage. Any suggestions? Also, can pets be walked in airports? During stopovers for example?


Hi Suzanne! You ARE an authority with animal flights! :)

I just read the NWA site and it says that the pets have to remain in the pet kennel the whole duration of the flight. Was just wondering how your kids were during their flight to the US from Thailand? Travel time from the Philippines to New York is more than 16 hours I think. My baby, by the way is a 9 lb bundle of joy. I am just worried he might not like being cooped in a container for long periods of time. He is not used to being in a cage. Any suggestions? Also, can pets be walked in airports? During stopovers for example?


In the cabin, they have to be in their crate, same with any airlines, so I just took their home to the bathroom and let them run around in there. Put paers on the floor and let them potty, and cleaned it up. There are more adults with accidents around the toilet in there to begin with.:)

And yes, in the terminal, you can let them out. Mine are definitely not used to being in a cage either, heaven'e no. But with the vibration of the plane, they slept for long periods at a time. The cats did as well travelling.. They would have slept the whole flight, if I didn't wake them to eat and drink.

In the cabin, they have to be in their crate, same with any airlines, so I just took their home to the bathroom and let them run around in there. Put paers on the floor and let them potty, and cleaned it up. There are more adults with accidents around the toilet in there to begin with.:)

And yes, in the terminal, you can let them out. Mine are definitely not used to being in a cage either, heaven'e no. But with the vibration of the plane, they slept for long periods at a time. The cats did as well travelling.. They would have slept the whole flight, if I didn't wake them to eat and drink.

Thanks a lot Suzanne! You have been a great help! :)

hello suzanne how much does it cost in sending my son in primary school in U.S.?tks:specs:

The public schools are actually free, you are paying for it with your taxes.

The public schools are actually free, you are paying for it with your taxes.

tks suzanne

tks suzanne

hello suzanne:specs: what are the different insurance we will be needing once we get employed and how much usually they will cost us in new york?tks

Renter's insurance for the apt, that covers your belongings in case of fire, theft, etc.

Car insurance if you get one of those.

Health insurance should be included for you, and you will have to pay for your family.

It has been along day at work, those are the first things that came to my mind.

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