I apologize if I am sounding stupid now,but I am just curious. We have all heard about the case in California with the 13 yr old,and how she is brain dead. Of course,she is on a vent,and the family wants her to get a trach and gtube.
I have several pts that are "unresponsive" meaning they don't talk, blink their eyes, nothing, no purposeful movement, nothing. All but one is on a vent, and all have trach and gt. At least one doesn't even use a gtube. She has been on Tpn for 1.5 years now for all her nutritional needs. One boy is a Dnr order, but with the understanding that we are to rescucitate him using the Ambubag, but if his heart stops, we do nothing. (I haven't seen a Dnr order like that before, and this is the first one I've seen like that)
It also says "at parents discretion", meaning that they could change their minds and make us do chest compressions. (according to nursing supervisor). This same boy had an EEG,and it shows no activity.
Anyway,I'm not seeing the big issue with the California case as I have several kids with vents, trach, and gtubes that are well...I'm not saying the words.