Published Mar 23, 2007
309 Posts
If no, why not? When I first started my BSN program one instructor said it looks unprofessional to not have membership in at least a few of these. And she claims the profession isn't progressing as fast or as far as it could because there aren't enough of us in these organizations advocating for change. I recently read an article that most RNs don't join these organizations and I was wondering what some of the reasons are.
I'm just going through a bunch of subscription renewals for several nursing organizations that I had joined, but I'm thinking about not renewing most of them because of the cost. The one for Florida alone is almost $250, which I'm thinking is kinda outrageous! :uhoh21:
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
I do agree with your instructor but will be honest and say that with 15 years of nursing experience, I'm just now becoming politically active. I am on the state-wide membership committee for the IL Society of Advanced Practice Nurses. I also belong to the Emergency Nurses Association. I do not belong to the ANA because in IL, it is $560/year and that is just too much.
1,288 Posts
California Nurses' Association; South Central Pennsylvania Peri-Anesthesia Nurses' Association. I joined the CNA as a show of solidarity for their efforts.
I also wouldn't take what one nursing instructor says too seriously. These are the same people who are telling you that you aren't good enough to be a nurse because you are "just an ADN/diploma nurse/LPN." Join a professional organization because it interests you, not as a knee-jerk reaction to what you heard in a classroom.
452 Posts
Yes, I am a member of my state professional organization. In our state, the leadership roles are accessable to anyone (meaning bedside nurses), not just academics, directors of nursing, state board members, etc. We employ a cracker-jack lobbyist who helps us get the ears of legislators. We do community out-reach (girl scouts, health care, speak out on community health issues and so on.) We sponsor and put on educational, CEU-granting programs.
I think you either have to try to improve the profession or give up. And if you're going to try, you can join a a nurses' union, or work with your professional organization, or contribute your energies to some other collective voice.
I don't understand people who whine about their professional circumstances and then... well, whine some more.
new er nurse, BSN, RN
23 Posts
Yes, I belong to ENA (Emergency Nurses Association).
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
I belong to the Academy of Neonatal Nursing......
321 Posts
I belong to ENA and ANA. I am debating on whether or not to renew my ANA membership. I have gotten tons more opportunities with ENA than ANA. There doesn't seem to be a problem with ADN nurses being on boards or taking leadership positions. Louisiana State Nurses Association just seems a little out of touch. I went to a district meeting a couple of weeks ago and I was probably one of only a handful there that are bedside nurses. The rest were educators.
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
I'm a member of the Academy of Neonatal Nurses, the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. I'm also in Sigma Theta Tau--whenever I remember to pay the dues.
I am a member of American Assn of Neuroscience Nursing, also Academy of Med-Surg Nurses. I think these organizations serve a different function than the State Nurses Assn's and ANA.
The ANA and many of its State affiliates have made a grave error in being tone deaf to bedside nurses. If you are lucky enough to live in a state where your organization is doing positive things for working nurses and listening to them (regardless of their academic credentials) then I would highly recommend you get involved.
I believe the ANA/State NA's are still the best way to join a collective voice for political advantages. (Why cede the political field to the Hospital Assn's lobbyists?)
BrnEyedGirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
1,236 Posts
I am a member of ANA, NLN, ENA and several local chapters of trauma nurses
2,438 Posts
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, as well as the local chapter.