Anyone work in two different buildings?


Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

It looks like a string possibility that next Fall, one of our grades will be moving to the middle/high school campus. We are expanding and doing construction and moving one of our current grades looks like the only option right now. This would mean that the school nurse at the middle/high school would either have to take on another 122 kids (very unlikely) or I would somehow have to be on both campuses. I currently work 9-1:30 so am guessing they would ask if I can extend my hours and do 8:30-11:30 at one campus, then drive 15 minutes to the other campus and do 11:45-3 up there. I am not really thrilled about that. I have no idea what the space would be, if I would just share space with the current nurse and just be available to see the littles if they come in. I am guessing they would have me "help" the other nurse in my "down time" which I have zero interest in doing. It is a whole other beast school nursing for 5-12 graders. I covered for her for one hour for an entire week and I couldn;t get out of there fast enough-lol. I love my 5-7 year-olds :) If you travel between campuses for your own work, what is it like? Is it something you enjoy? Have any say in? Pros/cons?

Specializes in School Nursing.

I travel between an elementary school (my favorite!!!!) and a middle school. I do 7:30 until 12:15 at the middle school and 12:30 until 4 at my elementary school. I did not have a say in the matter. We have 7 nurses who cover 18 schools so every one of us travels between buildings.

It definitely breaks up the day and it's nice to get away for a bit when I'm driving between buildings. I get reimbursed for mileage because I have to travel and, although it's not much, it's a bit extra.

There are rare days when I get to spend an entire day at one school and that's always nice. I don't mind traveling but I don't know anything different either.

I have PK-2 in one building and 3-5 a mile away. I head back and forth several times a day, and rarely get to spend more than 2 hours in one building. It really makes it hard to get things done. I have about 750 kids and am chronically behind on paperwork etc. Ugh.

I did that 3 years ago and I liked it and I didn't like it, but overall I liked it. I was at 2 middle schools with approx 200 at each and I alternated with 1 day there, 1 day here, so with 2 days at one and 3 days at the other. Of course the 2 day one felt slightly neglected but I was only a phone call away. If there was an emergency, the nearest school went since it was about 5 miles between them. I gave the nearest nurses a tour of the my records, medications and frequent students. The secretary handled the student visits when I wasn't there. I would have stayed, but the drive was about 40 minutes one way.

I've had up to 3 schools before. It's not ideal but it's doable. I did get irritated for getting called to a different school for "emergencies" that were just silly little things. It was nice to get away from each school a little though. The staff isn't as spoiled when you aren't constantly there but it takes longer to get to know the kids. It has it's ups and downs.

I'm the float for the District, so I travel to all 13 schools. I'll start at the middle schools and work my way to a smaller school if needed.

Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

I work 3 of the 4 schools in our district. My "homebase" is our 3rd-5th grade elementary but I travel to the Middle and High schools everyday too. I also carry a cell phone that the schools will use if there is an emergency or something they feel I should check out. Days are hectic, most of the time, but they sure pass quickly! It's also nice to have the variety.

Specializes in Peds, Neuro, Orthopedics.

I cover two schools, spending 2-3 days a week at one, then 2-3 days a week at the other. There's no way I'd do half-days and drive from one to the other, especially in winter. When the other campus needs something, whoever is in the health office can call or email me.

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