Anyone Studying Yet?

Nursing Students General Students


I start my ADN classes on Sept 20th and am trying to get motivated to go over my dosage calc, anatomy, and med term books. Has anyone started studying yet and what helped motivate you? I already know that during my orientation I will have to take a math test and recieve a reading assignment for the first week of class! Any ideas?!

thanks julee

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

I guess it would be a good idea to get my syllabus and start my reading for semester #2. We're one month away from starting classes. I've had nearly 3 months away from the books. I think I'll do a quick and dirty on pharmacology as well. Can you tell how motivated I am 4_8_4v.gif?????

I'm studying, but only because I am in summer classes! LOL!

Specializes in ICU.

I'm kind of torn between getting my rest and relaxation and preparing for school. I have a day less than one month before school start. So far I've read about 6 chapters of Fundamentals and 3 chapters of pharm. I have been dabbing a little in the dosage calculations and reviewing A&P. It just seems like there is so much that I have to do and so little time. I often ask myself what am I getting into?!?!?!?!?!? :uhoh21:

I've been studying my A & P textbooks and notes. My professor who lead our orientation told us to do so. She said our professors will expect us to know the material, etc....they will not be reviewing. It's been 1 1/2 years since I took A & P 1 and I took A & P 2 in Fall 2003....the professor was the pitts... :angryfire . So that's what I've been doing, I am going to go buy my syllabus on Thursday and start shopping the net for my textbooks.


Hey Nursedixie!!! I bought that same dose calc book!! It's pretty good!!!

I start school on Aug 16. I've been going back over some A&P info as well as some pathophysiology. I've also been reading some material out of my Fundamentals book. My school recommended a book call Test Taking Skills for Begining Nursing Students that's also really good. GOOD LUCK EVEYONE ON THEIR FIRST SEMESTER!!!!!

I just bought the test taking techniques for beginning nursing students today and it looks like a really good book. Gonna get started on that here in the next few days.

Specializes in OB, lactation.

I am making a chart of commonly used drugs as we speak. I'll let yall know when I finish and send it to anyone who wants it. I'm going to order my textbooks soon and look thru them but I mostly want to review last year's work (assessment, patho, pharm, etc.)-especially pharm since I find the drugs harder to remember.

A big NO to that. We have homework already that we were given at orientation...we are supposed to have it done by the first day of school(aug.11)but the bookstore won't let some of us people on finacial aid get books until right before class starts. They are heartless I tell you.

I wish I could, but I can't get my books yet...

no financial aid money of my own to spare!

I wish I could, but I can't get my books yet...

no financial aid money of my own to spare!

Same here! My school doesn't make financial aid money available to students for books until 2 days before classes begin. This really sucks because at the end of summer semester, our instructors gave us the reading assignments for the first two weeks of fall. Some of my school's policies need serious facelifts!


I just ordered my books today so hopefully I'll have them by the end of next week. I plan on perusing through them, not anything heavy. My mind is in need of a break :chuckle

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