Anyone sick of working weekends????

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone else is sick of working weekends??? I know I should have thought of that before I got into nursing...but you know...I didn't. Anyways...I'm tired of all my friends and family having the weekends off and doing things without me because I'm sucks. I'm actually trying to break into the telephone triage or case management avoid the weekend thing. I'm really wanting to get into to a "non bedside" setting. Anyone know of a case management job in northwest wisconsin..LOL. I don't know ...I'm just sick of all of this...I've even been looking into different career options with "NO" weekends...yeah..I ..know..I'm sounding pretty sad and desperate now.....but to me, spending time with my husband, family, and friends is very important to me...and right now..that's not happening...and I hate it. I'm not really into the whole clinic scene..I just don't know what to do. If anyone has been following my posts in the recent past...I've actually thought a lot about going back to school for vet. tech. I loveeeeeeee animals and could totally see myself working in a sweet little 8 to 5 vet. clinic...unfortunately...I've heard the pay pretty much can I go from a 24 dollar an hour job down to a 12 dollar a hour job...hmmmmm. Well..thanks for listening everyone...even though I rambled like crazy....just wanting to vent a little..if anyone has any words of wisdom for me...feel free to let me know...k?

Thanks :D

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I actually don't mind doing weekends......fewer surgeries, and none of the "suits", so it's more relaxed. I have every other weekend off, and working 3-11 gives me at least half a day with my family during my weekends on, so I can't complain.

Specializes in Stroke Rehab, Elderly, Rehab. Ortho.

I dont mind working the weekends at the moment - as long as I get every 4th weekend off with my kids...

Hey Smiling Blue Eyes - see you got the hang of the Smilies!!!:lol2:

Hey, its not only nurses who have to work weekends... My son is a chef and he works EVERY weekend. My daughter works part time in retail and she works 3 out of 4 weekends. My son-in-law works for a major car manufactering plant and he works every Saturday and every other Sunday....

This makes it VERY difficult to plan family gatherings! I'm glad that after 25 years of clinical nursing, I finally got a desk job as PI Coordinator!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.
Originally posted by June55Baby

Hey, its not only nurses who have to work weekends... My son is a chef and he works EVERY weekend. My daughter works part time in retail and she works 3 out of 4 weekends. My son-in-law works for a major car manufactering plant and he works every Saturday and every other Sunday....

This makes it VERY difficult to plan family gatherings! I'm glad that after 25 years of clinical nursing, I finally got a desk job as PI Coordinator!

My husband works retail and works most weekends, a few evenings/week (1:00 to 9:30), and a few holidays as well. Needless to say, we don't have much of a social life unless friends and family can see us on Mondays or the odd Thursday. And I'm pretty much alone from Thanksgiving through New Years. I don't like it, but it's when he makes the most money of the year, so I just accept as best I can.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Originally posted by June55Baby

Hey, its not only nurses who have to work weekends... My son is a chef and he works EVERY weekend. My daughter works part time in retail and she works 3 out of 4 weekends. My son-in-law works for a major car manufactering plant and he works every Saturday and every other Sunday....

This makes it VERY difficult to plan family gatherings! I'm glad that after 25 years of clinical nursing, I finally got a desk job as PI Coordinator!

boy that is so true. military work 24/7 also......cannot begin to count weekends, holidays, special days like birthdays, anniversaries, etc, that my dh and family have been separated.

it's not unique to nursing, that is for sure.

hey sue, ty for the encouragement!!!!

Specializes in CCU (Coronary Care); Clinical Research.

I don't mind weekends...but I can see how I might if my husband had every weekend off and those were his only days off. I work every other weekend, my husbands day off are sunday and monday...we we get every other weekend off together.

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

I am not a nurse yet but I have worked retail and all that crap and you always have to work weekends and nights and after awhile it does get old.

But anymore since I have young kids at home and am homeschooling as well I *want* to work weekends so I can be home with them more.

Good luck though in finding a job with no weekends- surely there is something out there for you if you keep looking! Maybe go back to school to get more education?


Where are you in northwest WI? I am there too!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by cannoli

3rdShiftGuy, I'm sure glad you put a smiley face there.







Ya know this comes up alot. Personally I think there is a pretty simple solution. Some places have what they call the Baylor program. On this program you work eveyweekend usually sat and sun 12 hr shifts but you are paid for 36 and are considered fulltime with all the full time bennies. It works pretty good at the places I have seen it. There are lots of nurses who would work this type of program which means the remaining nurses would work only weekdays. Dont know why it is so hard for management to figure this out. BTW most of the time those on Baylor get 4 weekends a yr off one every 3 months. Just a thought.

I don't have a life so working weekends isn't an issue with me!

My husband works 12hr shifts every Fri-Mon, so his "weekends" are Tues-Wed-Thurs. Those are always my days off too. I work night shift at a LTC facility, so I feel I have quite a bit of time to do as I please, as long as it's not after 10:00 at night! During the summer it's really nice because we both have the 3 days off and we can take time to go trucking with the whole family. It works out well for us right now.

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