Anyone with Senioritis?


Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

I am in a six semester BSN program; I am currenly in my 5th semester and I having to fight to keep 'Senioritis' away...and no I do not mean being sick of old people!!! I am talking, I can't wait to be done, this semester is h- e- double hocky sticks and I am so bogged down with school work and studying I probably should be on here, but everyone needs a mental break to increase chances of survival!

Anyone else struggling to beat 'Senioritis'? :banghead:

Specializes in LTC.

No, but I can't wait until I do :)

Yep, I have it right now. I have 4 more weeks to go and it seems like this semester has been the longest semester ever.

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

Halfway through the 3rd of 4 semesters in my program, and cannot wait to be done. Right there with ya. Come on, May 12.

in the uk with alll nurse doing 3year programs its called 2nd year blue

I would be if I was still in school...but I will be next Fall for sure...I can't wait! All my nursing school friends keep telling me all the things they are doing 2nd year and I am so jealous not to be doing it with them!!!

had it more towards the beginning of the semester but i'm so busy right now i dont have time to think about it. it comes up a bit with each change of the month b/c i realize i'm one month closer to december

Specializes in med surg home care PEDS.

Yes, yes yes, I can't wait to get out of here, but I have this semester and this next, it is hard to concentrate and I am getting antsy.

Specializes in Burn, Ortho, Trauma.

I have 3 months left and a full blown case of senioritis. I just want to be DONE! My whole class is ready to be DONE!.

Specializes in med/surg, ER.

yeppers! i am right where you are, 5th semester of 6 in a bsn program. i can hardly wait for june! i already have a calendar for next year with graduation marked in red! senioritis? i have a really, bad case! we just have to remember that it isn't forever!:yeah:

Specializes in General adult inpatient psychiatry.

I have serious senioritis. I haven't started counting down the days until May 21st because I know that will only make it worse. *googles countdown* Apparently there are 236 days until graduation! I'm ready to stop doing group projects and just do things on my own!

I am suffering severe case of senioritis too! I just don't seem to have any gumption to study as in depth as I know I should. I keep putting things off to the last minute and cramming before a test--which is exactly the opposite of what I advise the freshman nursing students at my school when I pass them in the halls! I feel like such a hypocrite! But, luckily for me, so far my senioritits has not done me too much harm yet. I've made all A's (and one B) so far, and on the whole, it seems to be a much less stressful semester. There is no way I would have been able to get away with this much procrastinating my first year! Cannot wait until graduation!

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