Anyone in their 40's here?

Nurses General Nursing


I was just wondering if you find it harder to remember things now.

Another 47 you who is almost 48.....and I work 40+ hrs/wk and I am just starting term 3 of NS! I usually blame any "forgetfulness" on being blonde! LOL:D

But seriously....has my memory gone? Don't think so. I moved every three years all my life and I can remember the addresses and phone numbers all the way back to elementary school! My first (real) BF's SSN is (075-54-58xx) - I know it, I just wasn't gonna put the whole thing there! I know my father's, my sister's (OK that is cheating since we differ by only one digit!) and all 5 of the children I gave birth to!

I really think that we have gotten so dependent on technology that we don't even bother to try to "remember" anything! Phone #s are entered into the phone's address book, our friends and family's email addy's are in the system, Outlook has a calendar to keep your schedule and send you reminders!

Someone once told me that the brain is like a muscle, you will lose what you don't use! The greatest way to stave off dementia is keeping the mind active! :D

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.

I'm hoping the moderators can remove that SS# above, too much info there!

Just turned 40 today.

I have been having a hard time remembering things since I had children.....

happiest of birthdays to you, otessa!!!:balloons::balloons::balloons:


happiest of birthdays to you, otessa!!!:balloons::balloons::balloons:


Thank you!

I'm 29 and I have problems with memory,so what was your question again??

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

Heck, that's why I wear a name tag:jester:

But for me, no seriously no issues yet unless I'm very sleep deprived. Your plate may be very full!

I turned 45 on Wednesday and am getting ready to enter my last semester of an RN program. I am a better student than I ever was 20+ years ago, I retain what I read, I can keep endless multiple lists in my head and I can multi-task like nobody's business. I don't notice any decline in my memory; in fact, it seems better than ever. Maybe if my brain cells are dying, what I have gained in life-experience makes up for it.

Ditto my NS experiences. Graduated at 42. Have had very to no few "senior moments" on the job. Most days feel like dancing rings around my younger colleagues.

Specializes in PCCN.

I'm wondering if op is female, or the rest of the posters are female over 40. I can't help to think some of this IS hormonally ( or lack thereof) related. I have noticed since the perimenopause BS that my eyesight has drastically changed. I can actually pinpoint it based on my now irregular cycles- I dont doubt estrogen( or lack of) plays a big role in this. They say with menopause you dont sleep regular- now add shift work to that- no wonder some of us are exhausted and do n't remember what we were doing 5 minutes ago. I also find that perimeno is like having permanent pms! how can that not stress one out regarding memory and performance. I don't remember feeling like this 5 years ago. Oh wait, maybe thats cause i cant remember lol.

anyhow, I suppose if any of you were men, that disproves my theory. btw im 44.

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