Anyone Else Out There Marked Absent For Missing A Meeting?


I just wondered. Where I work you get an unexcused absence for missing a mandatory meeting.:(

Specializes in Critical Care.

If we miss more than 40% of them, we aren't eligible for annual raise.

Counting it as an absence occurance has obvious flaws. Not making mandatories and being a 'sick-leave abuser' are two completely different problems. If you overlap them, it would seem to prevent your ability to effectively deal w/ either.

I mean, when you fire 1 for calling in sick, can you be sued (or just as bad, perceived as not evenhanded) because you didn't fire another w/ an equal number of 'occurances', even though they never call in sick, but avoid mandatories like the plague?

I would think the two have different levels of 'seriousness' of infraction, and would have to be segregated in order to treat each accordingly.

And I would think that not treating them separately would do nothing but cause strife. . . Poor management decision.



It does not seem right to me either. I missed 2 mandatory meetings and therefore counted "absent" twice but I don't hardly ever call in or miss work, nor do I come in late or leave early.

If we miss more than 40% of them, we aren't eligible for annual raise.

Counting it as an absence occurance has obvious flaws. Not making mandatories and being a 'sick-leave abuser' are two completely different problems. If you overlap them, it would seem to prevent your ability to effectively deal w/ either.

I mean, when you fire 1 for calling in sick, can you be sued (or just as bad, perceived as not evenhanded) because you didn't fire another w/ an equal number of 'occurances', even though they never call in sick, but avoid mandatories like the plague?

I would think the two have different levels of 'seriousness' of infraction, and would have to be segregated in order to treat each accordingly.

And I would think that not treating them separately would do nothing but cause strife. . . Poor management decision.



Specializes in Med/Surge, Private Duty Peds.

miss 2 mandatory meetings and you are marked unexcused and will get 2 days suspension. unless you have very valid written proof like a docs note for being sick or a sick child with a note from their doc.

we have some that never attend and that gripes me cause i have to drive 75 miles round trip for them and these people usually only live 5-10 minutes away. so our attedance policy was just re done due to this and constant call ins on weekends. all employees had to sign that they read and will comply with a sign copy put in your personnel file.

Specializes in Critical Care.
miss 2 mandatory meetings and you are marked unexcused and will get 2 days suspension. unless you have very valid written proof like a docs note for being sick or a sick child with a note from their doc.

we have some that never attend and that gripes me cause i have to drive 75 miles round trip for them and these people usually only live 5-10 minutes away. so our attedance policy was just re done due to this and constant call ins on weekends. all employees had to sign that they read and will comply with a sign copy put in your personnel file.

do y'alls managers have some playbook on how to decrease morale and cause staffing problems?




Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

WE need to be at 50% of our meetings, but since they are always during day shift, (and only ONE time offered each month) I have been known not to make many of them---I am still there.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Private Duty Peds.

they always forget about night shift, they overstaff 7-3/3-11, our asst nurse administrator told us" i been a floor nurse i know how hard it is to try and stay awake with a cup of coffee in one hand while comparing mars to cmls" ! yeap they have a way to bring ya waaaaay down. the admin dept

is under some wild impression that on 11-7 shift pts sleep!!!

yeah right, my youngest pt this week was 82 and the oldest was 97, i took care of 8 and 7 out of 8 were incontient, 4 had feedings q4 through pegs and then they all had q4 vs and labs to be drawn.

i work on a med/surg floor but call it the greenhome floor, a division of a nursing home and our mental health center named greenleaf.

so yeap i really think they have play book just to make us (*(&&)&*&(&:angryfire

If we don't make 75% of our monthly unit meetings it counts against us at eval. time.

For us it's excused if we notify the NM beforehand that we won't be there.

my state mandates that i get 18 hrs inservice per year and i have no problem meeting that requirement. i go beyond that (although i don't always get credit for it). but i can't get guarantee that i will make all of them, especially in the winter. most of those inservices last 30 minutes. imagine the person who worked all night and have interrupt her sleep and brave the weather and drive, say 45 mn out of her way to go to a 1/2 hr meeting. there is a good chance that she won't.

miss 2 mandatory meetings and you are marked unexcused and will get 2 days suspension. unless you have very valid written proof like a docs note for being sick or a sick child with a note from their doc.

we have some that never attend and that gripes me cause i have to drive 75 miles round trip for them and these people usually only live 5-10 minutes away. so our attedance policy was just re done due to this and constant call ins on weekends. all employees had to sign that they read and will comply with a sign copy put in your personnel file.

I just wondered. Where I work you get an unexcused absence for missing a mandatory meeting.:(

Last year our hospital scheduled a MANDATORY meeting for all employees. Our nurse manager split us up and assigned us to go to specific meeting times and I was told 1 week or less in advance that I had to be there on my day off. So, luckily it didn't interrupt my schedule, but other employees that didn't make that meeting were fired! I was shocked, considering they gave us very little notice and signed us up rather than letting us choose a time that best fit with our schedule. That seems very wrong to me???

Maybe they can afford to get rid of everybody.

Last year our hospital scheduled a MANDATORY meeting for all employees. Our nurse manager split us up and assigned us to go to specific meeting times and I was told 1 week or less in advance that I had to be there on my day off. So, luckily it didn't interrupt my schedule, but other employees that didn't make that meeting were fired! I was shocked, considering they gave us very little notice and signed us up rather than letting us choose a time that best fit with our schedule. That seems very wrong to me???
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