Published Feb 2, 2006
I just wondered. Where I work you get an unexcused absence for missing a mandatory meeting.
47 Posts
I don't mandate that my nurses come to all meetings, but after awhile I feel any professional needs to have input and know what's going on. I think calling to tell your boss you won't be there is the only professional way to handle it. I wouldn't like to be counted absent if I didn't show up on my day off. But as nurses we know that the world won't turn if we don't keep our act together and I think nurses should try to make an effort to be to most of the meetings offered.
2,836 Posts
At my past jobs, it seemed there was a "mandatory Meeting" almost every week:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
I have worked at Hospice for almost one year. I have only had to attend one mandatory meeting.
6,011 Posts
If you are working you split the meeting with your team partner so you can combine knowledge. If you are off, the boss always had a typed schedule handout then the ones why didnot get there got a copy in their cubby with the comments filled in. If still you didn't get caught up it was a verbal warning. There were 10 meetings a year, figuring the end of the year holliday was busy with other stuff, In addition she had 3 minutes meetings with the charge, RNs, LPNs, and another with the UAP, She wd realt good at things like that. She'd even send your work schedule by Exell if you wanted it.