Anyone else obsessed with school?

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Is it just me or is anyone else obsessed with school? I am losing interest in about everything else!

I guess it started before I thought about returning to school 2 years ago, I was tired of volunteer work and committees....Now I find that I am even losing interest in my friends....I feel a lot of them just don't understand.

I am not depressed, I am very happy with my life..I would just rather spend time with my books than having lunch with friends. I wondered if this might be a good thing...if I had a lot of other interests I would not have the time to focus on classes.

I am 44 years old and I feel like a kid before Christmas waiting for my Nursing books to arrive on Thursday!! Am I the only obsessed person out there? Did anyone else discover that their interest in friends and other interests changed as they went through school? Does anyone else feel the world is bored with hearing us talk about our classes? :rolleyes:

Hi Susan,

Some people in my area just don't understand what dedication and commitment it takes to become a nurse.

I try to keep my priorities straight..

1. Family

2. Church

3. School

4. Anything else I can slip

I don't think it's unusual to become distant from friends during this time.. I've met a lot of neat classmates who have become my NEW friends.


Originally posted by SusanRN2004

Is it just me or is anyone else obsessed with school? I am losing interest in about everything else!

I guess it started before I thought about returning to school 2 years ago, I was tired of volunteer work and committees....Now I find that I am even losing interest in my friends....I feel a lot of them just don't understand.

I am not depressed, I am very happy with my life..I would just rather spend time with my books than having lunch with friends. I wondered if this might be a good thing...if I had a lot of other interests I would not have the time to focus on classes.

I am 44 years old and I feel like a kid before Christmas waiting for my Nursing books to arrive on Thursday!! Am I the only obsessed person out there? Did anyone else discover that their interest in friends and other interests changed as they went through school? Does anyone else feel the world is bored with hearing us talk about our classes? :rolleyes:

Actually, I'm in the same boat. Even though school won't start for another month for me, I've already got my study area all set up and have most of my supplies. Luckily, my friends are all learn-a-holics and are actually jealous I'm going back to school. They were all giving advice on which classes to take in what order, etc. as well as their favorite study tricks, etc.

IMHO, if your friends are as loyal as mine, they may get tired of the subject but won't show it because they'll be caught up in your enthusiasm.

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.
originally posted by mkue

hi susan,

some people in my area just don't understand what dedication and commitment it takes to become a nurse.

i try to keep my priorities straight..

1. family

2. church

3. school

4. anything else i can slip

i don't think it's unusual to become distant from friends during this time.. i've met a lot of neat classmates who have become my new friends.


i agree with you, marie. by the way, i like your name, but not really.....guess!

Oh, you mean we're supposed to do more than eat, drink and live school? LOL :)

It's easy to be excited about a new venture in life, but don't let it take the place of friends and family. These are the people who keep you sane and grounded. I know sometimes my friends don't understand that I can't go shopping or to a movie because I have an exam to study for, BUT I always offer a compromise. For instance, I'll say "well I can't go the movies Sunday afternoon, because I'm studying for a Monday morning test, but I'll be free on Wednesday (for example) - can we go then?"

You need friends and outside contacts even if they don't understand your obsession with your schoolbooks. I also believe it is absolutely CRITICAL that everyone takes a DAY OFF during the week from school and homework. For one entire day do not even open a book (or think about it!). Don't feel guilty - just do something fun with your family or best friend!:kiss And DON'T talk about school, unless they ask ;)

Good Luck with your Nursing School!

I agree that at first school is exciting and its easy to let it take over. It helps to have other things in your life, though, for a balance. I just wish work didn't happen to be one of the other things in my life, and if you're lucky enough to be able to go to school without working, good for you. ;)

I make it a point to have one day off from school AND work, even if that means I have to work every weekend. Don't neglect your other responsibilities.

I'm excited to go back to school, but only because every day I'm in school is one day closer to graduation. I'm really sick of school at this point. I'm looking forward to learning everything that I can learn before I leave school, and hopefully being moderately prepared for the workforce.

I remember being totally excited when I first started. The enthusiasm is nice, but the b*tchiness of my nursing class sort of put a damper on that for me.

ME ME ME!!!!!

I actually feel lost and depressed (in a way) when semesters are over and I have nothing to do with school. So know what I do???

I go and get all the books I can for next semester, try to see if any professors have their syllabi online or read over everything I can about the nursing program. I thought it was an illness... apparently not. ;)


You sound exactly like my nurse study buddy. She is such a little freak, as soon as school was over last semester and finals were done, she was reading a book on ekg interpretation and trying to figure out what she could read to prepare for next semester.

Hello! This is summer!

Oh well. Some people just can't relax.

I absolutely LOVE school!

I do put family first, and of course church (hubby's a Preacher---do I have a choice?--Nor do I want one...).

But yes....I read through new books and I study almost all the time.....I do get burned out somethimes, but so far, have always come out of it!

So I am another "obsessed" student! :D

I admit it! I'm obsessed!! I have only four more weeks until classes start. I am anxious to get my books but I am waiting on my book check to come in one week before classes. I hope they don't run out of books. Right now I am working on scheduling events for our Allied Health Club. I am enjoying spending time with the kids too.

I do think it is important to do other things and rest before the semester starts because it will be a while before you have another break.

Good luck to all

I feel like I have found my niche. I really had no hobbies other than my three children, and my husband was always golfing, fishing, computers, building things, whatever. And now that I returned to school after a looong time, I absolutely love it! I feel as if I am finally doing something I really want to do. So guess I am obsesed too!

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