Anyone else obsessed with school?

Nursing Students General Students


Is it just me or is anyone else obsessed with school? I am losing interest in about everything else!

I guess it started before I thought about returning to school 2 years ago, I was tired of volunteer work and committees....Now I find that I am even losing interest in my friends....I feel a lot of them just don't understand.

I am not depressed, I am very happy with my life..I would just rather spend time with my books than having lunch with friends. I wondered if this might be a good thing...if I had a lot of other interests I would not have the time to focus on classes.

I am 44 years old and I feel like a kid before Christmas waiting for my Nursing books to arrive on Thursday!! Am I the only obsessed person out there? Did anyone else discover that their interest in friends and other interests changed as they went through school? Does anyone else feel the world is bored with hearing us talk about our classes? :rolleyes:

Only three more weeks!!

Originally posted by Debbie5

Only three more weeks!!

Just two more weeks for me....I just could not wait for school to start....but now that it's almost here--I WANT MORE TIME OFF!! I need more than two weeks to get my house in order! I need to get in shape...clinicals will kill me! Why is a clean house so important did not bother me I just scared??? :eek:

I'm doing the same thing. And I'm also trying to do things to help increase my energy level. I know that if I can drop some weight, I'll feel better. Has anyone heard of Advocare? A parent from my daughter's soccer team sells it and says that they have some great energy products. I just don't want to get dependent on something just so I can stay afloat.


If you can get an ingredients list, I would compare it to products that you can get at GNC. There is virtualy no new thing under the sun as far as those kinds of things.

It would be a good idea to say you are wanting to research the ingredients instead of comparable products. It's likely you won't get a lable or a list anyway.

I take Caffiene-Ephadrene stacks during semester to fuel my study sessions. I also take "brain food" called Cognita that has a few ingredients that have actual double-blind research by an independant source.

I know, I know......OH MY GAWD EPHEDRA WILL KILL YOU!!!!!:eek:

Well, I've been using it for ten years without side-effects

It's kind of sad when I ask where someone found the research they are talking about (place the product the media is attacking this month here) and all they can tell me is that "I heard it on the news" and then you can see the recognition in thier face when they feel like a stupid media sheep!!:chuckle

Anyhoo, I've got an outstanding GPA and I'm not going to change a thing.Let me know when, or if, you get that ingredient list. You may be able to buy a comparable product without paying as much.

Feel free to PM.



No, you are not the only one. See my reply to Eat, Sleep and Breathe nursing.

Originally posted by mkue

I start Monday with 2 classes M-Th, then in Sept we start clinicals, so then the colored nail polish will have to go, but that's OK.


Marie, How was the first week of classes? Are you buried in homework yet?:eek:

Ok, so my Psych class has been over for an entire 48 hours and I just got my $540 worth of textbooks...................and I notice that the package came with an orientation booklet:eek: I struggled not to pick it up. I knew as soon as I did I would be headed down the slippery slope of "study addiction". I knew it couldn't be long before an innocent question like "I wonder what days I'll have to schedulue work?" and the very dangerouse "what other resources should I aquire before class?" would slither into my volcabulary like the viper in the Garden of Eden.

Here's how it all went down............................I looked up the schedule in the orientation booklet, but there were a bunch of guidelines I thought were important so I,..........I,.........highlighted them:eek: .........then I thought "just going over one schedule won't hurt", so I wrote the entire clinical schedule into my dayplanner, complete with test times and dates all highlighted. As I was going over the entire semester of lectures and clinicals I noticed to my dismay that the assignments for each week are handed out in a packet in theory class:sniff:

I installed all the cd-roms in my hard drive and will now be forced to wait until August 26 for my first assignment.

Uhmmm.................I wonder if they are in thier offices at the college yet?


information sponge....going dry.

Oh Peeps....I feel sorry for your instructors!! He He. My good friend and study buddy is the same way. She wants her grade the minute she hands in her tests. She practically beat the doors down at the book store and was very upset when they didn't have two of our lab books priced yet. She was willing to wait for them to do it but she wasn't allowed to stay overnight.

I am just as excited as her but she shows it enough for both of us. I let her look like the fanatic. Ha Ha Ha.

:chuckle Debbie,

I wonder how your friend would handle the bookstore of mine not having the books on August 1st, as the nursing packet stated?

They claimed they didn't have them until August 12:( when all the other books were in.

It actually caused me to lose sleep over the injustice of it all! I was so freaked:eek: that some lazy clerk was hosing me, and there wouldn't be enough books for the "rush", then they would have to backorder them while I waited 6-8 weeks or something silly like that.

I am such a phonebone:p

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