Published Jul 1, 2011
908 Posts
Hi all,
I figured that since I'm already about to stroke out from the pressure from myself regarding NCLEX, that I don't need to get any more from other people! Once you graduate, people are constantly asking "When are you taking boards?" From your parents, to your friends, to Granny, to your Pastor and even the neighborhood kids! Once you let them know, they CONSTANTLY ask you every day about the exam, leading up to the date. So, I have decided not to tell others the date of my test.
I have told my mother and I did tell my Nurse Educator at my job (so taht I won't be scheduled for that day) but that's it! My answer to "When are you taking boards?" is "I'm not revealing the date so that I'm not pressured from others anymore that I am. But, when I pass, I'll let ya know!":yeah:
Everyone I've said that has respected my decision (how can they not!) and they still wish me good luck. So, I'm glad I'm keeping it hush-hush!
Anyone else keeping the date to themselves?
7 Posts
I kept my testing date to myself!! I took my NCLEX yesterday with only 75 questions and did the PVT trick and got the "good" pop-up; now I'm just waiting on my official results. Good Luck on your test :)
720 Posts
I didn't tell but a few people the day of my first board exam.
Kazza, MSN, RN
117 Posts
I have decided to go that route too. The last time I took the NCLEX, I told friends and family, and they immense pressure they place on you, besides the pressure you place on yourself, is too great.
The last time I took the test, everybody as you know has an opinion, people had me praying to Jesus, God, Allah, Buddah, The NCLEX Gods, Fasting and sacrificing a couple of chickens ( This time, I decided to keep it to myself, and even though I have taken this path, it surely does not alleviate the anxiety I am experiencing.......which I think is a good sign, cause the last time, I dont think I took the test seriously.
I will take my test tomorrow afternoon, so with my knowledge base and the grace of God, this will be it..........All the best to everyone!!
63 Posts
I won't be telling anyone when I get my test date... the main reason is b/c if I do fail I will be devestated as is and then to have to tell people that... nope. I DO PLAN TO PASS THOUGH lol
38,333 Posts
There was nobody who cared to know.
Good luck to us all!! I'm sure we'll be telling them GLADLY when we pass!
61 Posts
I didn't plan on telling anyone. Only my parents and sister know.
137 Posts
Yup. I'm not telling anybody except a FEW of my CLOSEST classmates. Of course my job has some idea of when because I had to take some weeks off to study, but I didn't even tell my mom.
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
I told a my husband and my best friend from nursing school. That was it. I told my parents and the my other close friends once I had taken the test and annouced it to the "public" when I got my official results.
I definately didn't want people constantly calling me the day of my test and asking me how it had gone.
My response when people asked about my test was "I'll let you know!"
pockunit, ADN, RN
614 Posts
Me! I told pockspouse so we could arrange for kid wrangling, but other than that, I don't want the added pressure. Ever watched a woman at/past her due date get asked "When are you having that baby?" I don't want that. When I pass, I'll tell people I took it.
171 Posts
I told everybody... it felt good to vent and let some of the stress out and get the much needed support from my family and friends.