Any College of Dupage nursing students out there? Or hopefuls?

U.S.A. Illinois


I have been trying to find other COD nursing student hopefuls or current students anyone out there?

Thanks RscodADN10

This is the difficult part of the whole process.... But as you said you said---Keep Positive:)))

Well everyone 2 hrs and 20 minutes left! I know I sound like a dork! But I have been working so long to get to this point so I have to somehow get my mind off the fact that everything will change in a few short weeks.

Once again good luck!

I am hoping to receive my acceptance letter in two weeks, along with my tax return :D

Hi everyone,

I am happy to find others like me who are getting very anxious waiting for their letters! I was very frustrated that they extended the deadline so some applicants could attend the advising session. I made sure I went back in September! I'm suprised that an applicant would wait until the final day to compete a requirement! Even more, I'm suprised COD would extend the deadline for people who wait until the last day to go to the session....oh well....nothing I can do about it but vent. I'm obsessing though, RScod: I think we are two peas in a pod! It's nice to have this place to vent. Hang in there everyone, and I'll try to too:)

So awesome to keep finding people. Never thought one post would find so many people!

Naper.... Any chance you live in naperville? I live right down the street! So cool! We will probably get the letters the same day!

I definitely need this site because my anxiety is through the roof!

Any one taking any classes the second half of the semester? I will be taking the CNA course.

It is great to have a place to go to, it's nuts how many people are out there waiting like us! RScod, I sure do live in Naperville. I live near 95th street and Book Road if you know where that is. I knew we are two peas in a pod! You sound alot like me. I actually think this extra wait could push me over to the edge into OCD. COD, hurry up and save me from OCD, LOL:)

I'm on 75th and 59!!!

Well I am sending all of my good thoughts your way and everyone else's. I leave to Aruba on march 6 th. Im hoping that I'll know by then. I'll really be able to celebrate to the fullest. Especially with out the Kids. I love them but I really need a vaca from diapers and tantrums.

Does it take only 2 weeks for the department to go over the applications? Or that 's what they have done in the past?

I think that is what they've done in the past, but I seem to recall reading that they may send out acceptance letters as late as March 18.


Last year the deadline was moved to Feb. 1 and by the 12 to the 14th people had already received their letters. So maybe less maybe more. I think they say two weeks so no one starts to bother right away.

What I am wondering is if people accepted will get their letters first and then the ones on the waitlist and so on. I applies somewhere else and that is what they did. It kinda would make sense since you have to accept your seat by a certain time and I believe it would probably be before the march 18 as to not keep everyone waiting.

But who knows everything is up in the air right now.

RScod, We are close! small world. Hopefully we'll both get in, I assume you are hoping to do your clinicals at Edward? Or closest to us. If we end up in the same group, it would be great to have a close-by study partner. I hear you need study groups/partners alot in nursing school. I bet we will have letters by the time you go on vacation. I also think they say two weeks to keep people from bugging them before then. I mean, they say they evaluate our points as they recieve our aps and info, so they must have a preliminary list I would think. I'll let you know if I when I get my letter and you do the same! I'm crossing my fingers for you (and me:) that the letters are here before the 6th. What a great vacation that would be for you! Take care

It would be ideal to get Edward! What we have to do is when we get our letters is sign up right away for the same class. We can probably meet at the cod Naperville campus. But let's take it one step at a time. I always plan too far ahead. I just want to see that letter in my hands first!

And thanks for the well wishes! Aruba is going to be so much fun especially because its free! My husband won it at work!

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