Any College of Dupage nursing students out there? Or hopefuls?

U.S.A. Illinois


I have been trying to find other COD nursing student hopefuls or current students anyone out there?

RScod, wow a free trip - NICE! I could use a vacation.....I'm taking Microbiology and not really loving it. In fact, I'm studying all weekend for tests next week. I also plan WAY ahead too. When we both have our letters, after you get back, we should meet for coffee or a cocktail to celebrate and get to know each other a bit. Keep me posted!


Definitely! Microbiology wasnt too bad. Do you have your CNA done? I'm a bit nervous for that class!

RsCod, I do have my CNA. I took it Spring of 2009 (my first class back after a few years since first go round at college). I wanted to make sure nursing was really what I wanted to do and I figured it would be a good way to get exposure to the nursing world. Don't be nervous, it's not bad. It's time consuming, and pretty strict (you can't be late, even a minute and you can't get below a 72 or 74 (if i remember right) on any test - if you do, they litterally tell you to leave then), but totally do-able. Plus, your A &P will help big time. Since I did CNA before any pre-req's, I had to study alot harder than those that had taken A&P. It's great experience. Even though it was tough, I enjoyed it. My clinical teacher was brutal, but my classroom teacher was great. Even with the clinical teacher, the time spent taking care of residents (mine was at a nursing home), was a great experience. It totally confirmed to me that this is what I want to be doing. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I can give you the scoop on some instructors in private :)

Well when I finally look at my schedule I'll be abel to tell you who I have. I have been avoiding looking it at because I havent decided if I'd go through with it if I don't get in.

I have two small children so I feel a little guilty leaving them!

RS, I hear ya. I have two kids too. My son is almost 5 and my daughter is almost 3. I hear that the classroom time isn't too bad per week, except for a long clinical day. But I also hear there is a TON of studying.

The workload for CNA class really wasn't all that heavy. The clinical only lasted for 6 or 7 hours (I don't quite remember)...and boy, time really did fly. I found that most of what we learned was common sense. It seemed as though almost all of us had a more difficult time than anticipated on skills day...mainly due to nerves (which are natural).

Also, the minimum score on any exam was 78% :)

Thanks for the info. I don't know maybe I'm frightened because I need to pass if I get in. I don't know new things scare me but in the end I know why I am doing them.

Naper... Do you go to a local daycare I need some references!

Hi RS, I couldn't respond to your pm, apparently I need at least 15 posts to be able to pm.....I'll work on that:) Let me ask you this, are you working now or are you thinking about care for the nursing program?

Wow, alot of posting since I last logged in. LOL Last year a friend of mine that got accepted had her letter about a week or 2 before my rejection. hoping i don't have a repeat of that one....UGH!!!

I will also need to do CNA if I get accepted. I'll have to check if there are any openings for the Spring, otherwise it will be the summer.


I'm a stay at home mom for the time being. I'm looking for care for march for the CNA and for nursing school!

Wow, alot of posting since I last logged in. LOL Last year a friend of mine that got accepted had her letter about a week or 2 before my rejection. hoping i don't have a repeat of that one....UGH!!!

I will also need to do CNA if I get accepted. I'll have to check if there are any openings for the Spring, otherwise it will be the summer.

The spring is closed. The summer registration opens march 7. But you have to have all the health requirements before you can register. Plus if you get in it may interfer with the nursing 1100 class.

RS, my kids have not been in daycare, so I don't have references for you unfortunately. BUT....COD early child education center started a pilot program this semester for a drop in program. You sign up ahead of time, show them your schedule and they will watch your kids while you are in class. I'm hoping this program will stay in place (they need enough people to utilize it), cause that is what I'm hoping to do with my daughter while I'm in class. It's $5 per child - can't beat that! The clinical days are a different story, I don't know what I'll do those days yet. Check out COD's website for this program, look under child care or early childhood education center. LEt me know if you have trouble and I will help you fine it.

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