Anti-vax nurses? Are you serious?

Nurses COVID


We were discussing the Disneryland measles outbreak at work, and I was appalled to find some of my co-workers refuse to vaccinate their kids. They (grudgingly) receive the vaccines they need to remain employed, but doubt their safety/necessity for their kids.

I must say, I am absolutley stunned. How can one be a nurse and deny science?

As a nurse, you should darn well know what the scientific method entails and what phrases such as "evidence based" and "peer reviewed" mean.

I have to say, I have lost most of my respect for the nurses and mistrust their judgement; after all, if they deny science, on what premise are they basing their practices?

Specializes in L&D, Women's Health.

Who the heck is Dr Mercola? Is he like "Dr" Phil? Oh, wait . . . is this he?

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Again, NONE of those in this article have published anything I can find on any recognized research publications.

I dunno . . . I took three courses in statistical analysis and two in research and nothing you've presented so far comes anywhere near research or EBP. Well, there are some in your original massive pro/con article, but all of it is on the pro side so far. Agree, I'm not done with it all yet.

Specializes in L&D, Women's Health.
Who the heck is Dr Mercola? Is he like "Dr" Phil? Oh, wait . . . is this he?

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OK, google "who is dr Mercola"

[h=1]4 of the Biggest Quacks Plaguing America with False Claims About Science[/h]

"From the Food Babe to Dr. Oz, these four are the media's biggest fear-mongers and snake-oil peddlers."

There is a Dr. Joseph Mercola . . . "1. Dr. (of Osteopathy) Joseph Mercola. Mercola is not a strict medical doctor, but an osteopath who practiced in suburban Chicago (according to Chicago magazine, he gave up his practice in 2006 to focus on Internet marketing). Mercola has also written several books on health that have become bestsellers."

Specializes in L&D, Women's Health.
I don't think that they "don't want people to know" - I think it's that they truly don't understand.

It's like people who are anti-hormonal contraception, citing the huge risk of stroke, DVDs, etc. What they don't understand is the one thing that causes an even GREATER risk of stroke, DVDs, etc. is PREGNANCY.

LOL, Klone . . . that's exactly what I tell my pts. One day I will make a handout on the risks in pregnancy!

It is a high risk to a fetus. But what is being said here is that if the child has not had rubella by puberty, then you'd get them vaccinated because of the risk to a fetus that does not even exist. I don't get this reasoning. What about another woman's fetus? If your unvaccinated child ends up with rubella at, say, age 6 (which I'm assuming non-vaxers prefer to the vaccine) and that child exposes her best friend's mom, who is 7 months pregnant to rubella.. what about THAT fetus?

It seems to me the concern is for a potential (currently non-existent) grand-fetus than the child or the others that child might expose.

Exactly. My mother contracted rubella. She was ok. Her 6 month fetus was not. 😞

Specializes in L&D, Women's Health.
No I have provided good links. For instance, Vaccines There is plenty of data there, but people here seem to gloss over any data I provide.

Oh, this is the one I'm combing through. So far, all the scientific evidence is on the Pro side, but I haven't gone through it all yet. Not so sure I'm really that bored.

Specializes in Tele, OB, public health.

God bless you all for pressing on in this threadd

It is clear andi78 does not understand what "data" and "evidence" truly mean

Like trying to explain physics to a five year old

If I had any moderation control in this thread, I would probably ban here for being an annoying troll

alas, I do not

Specializes in Anesthesia.
No I have provided good links. For instance, Vaccines There is plenty of data there, but people here seem to gloss over any data I provide.

No, this is second hand information instead of primary sources. There are a multitude of scientific peer-reviewed studies on PuBMed and elsewhere on vaccines without having to resort to second hand sources that may have misinterpreted the data or given its own bias.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
A lot of "publicity" doctors can say a lot of junk (ie, Dr. Oz) in the media. They live to get the attention. I can not find one research article published by this doctor in a professional medical journal (or ANY journal) on PubMed.

And they almost always make a lot of money off of catering to people's conspiracy theories.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Primer on how to find peer reviewed scientific articles and the difference between an editorial and peer reviewed article.

PubMed Tutorial

Specializes in Anesthesia.
More self determination is good, yes. But why is is that so many people assume that hang fewer children always equals good? Have you looked at some demographic studies anytime recently? Several developed countries are facing severe population aging and will have depopulation crises in the next few decades. It's already started in Russia, and none of it will be pretty.


Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
I don't think that they "don't want people to know" - I think it's that they truly don't understand.

It's like people who are anti-hormonal contraception, citing the huge risk of stroke, DVDs, etc. What they don't understand is the one thing that causes an even GREATER risk of stroke, DVDs, etc. is PREGNANCY.

Not making fun of you klone. I love spell check auto corrects! Just loving the increased risk of DVD's! Darn those movies, they should've stuck to VHS format for their own good.

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