Another reason unions suck!

Nurses Union


Trying to get a vacation as a new RN under a union regime is challenging at best. It's all seniority based. So the senior RNs can basically come and go as they choose. But that means the rest of us cannot be off (even though we don't cover each other or know each other's job). Also the silly union made a rule that managers cannot approve vacations to far out. So if someone knows they want a certain week 2 years from now, they cannot secure it and start booking flights or whatever. It's irritating at best.

Specializes in TELE, CVU, ICU.

I worked at union facilities and had no problem getting vacation. At non-union facilities I made $20/hr less and could be fired for complete made-up nonsense. That being said, Kaiser's system of union bureaucracy is much like described. It's not like that at most union facilities.

Now that is a preference you have. Any way, every job I had (none of them union) had the same thing. The seniors got away with everything. Even the CNA's did not do anything for you if you were junior.

It is this kind of crap that prevents nurses from organizing and allows people to treat us like unskilled labor.

The union does not mandate keeping bad employees on the job. They just make sure the disciplinary process is correctly followed; this protects you from inappropriate dismissal. Many managers can't be bothered to follow the disciplinary process; they just make you carry the deadwood and blame the union.

I totally agree. Also, often the employees who have issues with other employees don't want to report them via the proper channels so managers can follow the proper disciplinary process.

Every night you see Nurse Jane on the internet when call lights are going off but you do not want to put it in writing and send it to your manager so it can be followed up on.

I've heard my co-workers complain that our manager is not doing anything about a problem co-worker. Often they are doing stuff but there is a process and they can't comment to other staff about what is going on.

Specializes in Psych,LTC,.

compared to unjust discipline or termination, or days scheduled based on favoritism, i'll take the seniority vacationing, thank you. there are worse, much worse things.

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

I agree unions have their flaws, but I think the pros outweigh the cons.

As for your vacation, I have a hard time believing you can schedule 18 months in advance--most places I know do vacations on a yearly basis. You can only schedule vacation up to one year in advance. And you should have a seniority list for your unit...find the nurses senior to you and ask/negotiate that they don't request the time that you want off.

Specializes in Psych,LTC,.

definitely something wrong. upper middle class is over $60k per year, that's 25% federal tax rate. or $15k per year. minimum wage at 3/4 of full time work hours makes $11,700 per year. earned income tax credit with children maxes at $6k (most people don't have more than 3 at $1000 each) .now they still have to pay 10% on their $15k. so take $1500 off that $6k= $4500. Something definitely wrong here.

Specializes in Psych,LTC,.

yeah, $1000 per child is all profit. $20 per week to feed, clothe etc a child. it's all profit.

Oh no question. We should totally pay/reward poor people to breed more poor people.
Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Not at all. But when the union contract prevents my manager from approving a vacation in Sept 2017 because it's to far out a someone else may want time that week, I call BS.

And yet, you ignore the responses from those of us who are non-union and still have a facility policy that vacation time may not be requested more than 1 year in advance. It's not BS; it's a policy. If you disagree with it, then take it upon yourself to work to get it changed.

Specializes in PCU.

That is easy to say and while in the short run it may be nice, when you return and your job is gone and the entire hospital system has a "do not hire" tagged to your name, what will you do then? Increasingly hospital conglomerates are gobbling up the little guys and leaves the nurse little choice.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Isn't this a nursing blog? Where else should one be able to rant free of judgement?

Differing opinions does not necessarily equal judgment. It's a discussion forum, not a yes man forum.

Specializes in ICU.

In real life, if you have a special event like a wedding, maternity leave, a graduation, or reunion, and you communicate with your management, its not an issue, in fact its given priority. It is unreasonable to expect management to grant vacation 18 months in advance. Unionized or not.

A new employee expecting a certain vacation slot, without consideration for others, is the reason that vacation policies are necessary. Vacation plans can and should be adjusted to meet the needs of the unit and date of hire should be the deciding factor in the event of a conflict.

Specializes in geriatrics.
And yet, you ignore the responses from those of us who are non-union and still have a facility policy that vacation time may not be requested more than 1 year in advance. It's not BS; it's a policy. If you disagree with it, then take it upon yourself to work to get it changed.

Ruger is bored. We are responding for his amusement. That is all.

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