Another reason unions suck!

Nurses Union


Trying to get a vacation as a new RN under a union regime is challenging at best. It's all seniority based. So the senior RNs can basically come and go as they choose. But that means the rest of us cannot be off (even though we don't cover each other or know each other's job). Also the silly union made a rule that managers cannot approve vacations to far out. So if someone knows they want a certain week 2 years from now, they cannot secure it and start booking flights or whatever. It's irritating at best.

Specializes in ICU.

Pay equity, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, and education instead of incarceration will help these people get their lives together. No one should be financially stressed for decades for wanting an education.

An earned Defined Benefit retirement program is funded by the healthcare corporation not through the wages and labor of the employee.

None of this is a handout.

Pay equity, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, and education instead of incarceration will help these people get their lives together. No one should be financially stressed for decades for wanting an education.

An earned Defined Benefit retirement program is funded by the healthcare corporation not through the wages and labor of the employee.

None of this is a handout.

Why am I not surprised you support $15/hr minimum wage.



Specializes in ICU.

All the more reason for them to join the Food Service Workers Union and SEIU and organize for a living wage and benefits.

The biggest welfare recipient in the US is WalMart via foodstamps and Medicaid paid to their employees.

Specializes in Urology.
Pay equity, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, and education instead of incarceration will help these people get their lives together. No one should be financially stressed for decades for wanting an education.

An earned Defined Benefit retirement program is funded by the healthcare corporation not through the wages and labor of the employee.

None of this is a handout.

I agree in that some education should be free like community college (merit retention based as well). There is a whole industry involved in higher learning and it is unlikely federal funding will tackle this challenge. I dont mind fronting some of my costs for education (I am completely self funded btw) as it put some skin in the game on my behalf.

15 an hour nation wide for minimum wage is a steep challenge and one I dont see happening nationwide. I know New York passed it but its New York, one of the most expensive places on the planet. I do think the minimum wage is too low to support a family but thats where assistance program fill the gap. Education is the key here, nobody should be a career worker at McDonalds because they couldnt afford basic higher education to get the ball rolling. Again, this is America land of the opportunity and while they share the same opportunities as me, others might be disadvantaged from the start. I dont mind giving them a little boost, but they need to show that they want it as well.

Specializes in ICU.

No one who works 40 hours per week should be living in poverty.

We can not lift these people and benefit them with the policies of a rigged economy that creates low income families.

There is a sleeping giant that has been awakened and that is the lower income worker.

40,000 people attended a Sanders rally in Birmingham Alabama on 1/18/2016. He is not weak in the South.

No one who works 40 hours per week should be living in poverty.

We can not lift these people and benefit them with the policies of a rigged economy that creates low income families.

There is a sleeping giant that has been awakened and that is the lower income worker.

40,000 people attended a Sanders rally in Birmingham Alabama on 1/18/2016. He is not weak in the South.

I saw that in the news. How terrifying. To think we could end up with that fool in office. I guess it could be worse. We have that stupid woman in office.

Specializes in PCCN.
By falsely inflating peoples wages unions increase the price of goods and services for all of us.

So, would you like to take a wage reduction then? Maybe you should give back your benefits too.

I saw that in the news. How terrifying. To think we could end up with that fool in office. I guess it could be worse. We have that stupid woman in office.

You are going to be sad either way, then. Add it to your list of complaints.

Specializes in ICU.

20,000 attended Sanders rallies in LA and Boston. People want social justice.

So, would you like to take a wage reduction then? Maybe you should give back your benefits too.

As a registered nurse, I actually deserve more than what I'm getting. But some guy running a wrench in some factory darn sure doesn't deserve $35 an hour. Or some guy standing on a railroad track shoveling snow doesn't deserve $25 an hour. Or the person that brings the mail and put it in my mailbox darn sure doesn't deserve the wages and benefits they get. It is a pretty unskilled labor jobs. Yet they're getting white-collar wages. I built a house from books. I built a house from books. I do. I have a background in medicine. But I was able to build a house and passed all the inspections and meet code from a book. Why do I need a union electrician/Carpender/plumber to do it for me?

Specializes in ER.
I saw that in the news. How terrifying. To think we could end up with that fool in office. I guess it could be worse. We have that stupid woman in office.

Your insulting language is insufferable. Can you discuss things without name calling?

Your insulting language is insufferable. Can you discuss things without name calling?

I haven't seen evidence that he can.

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