Another reason unions suck!

Nurses Union


Trying to get a vacation as a new RN under a union regime is challenging at best. It's all seniority based. So the senior RNs can basically come and go as they choose. But that means the rest of us cannot be off (even though we don't cover each other or know each other's job). Also the silly union made a rule that managers cannot approve vacations to far out. So if someone knows they want a certain week 2 years from now, they cannot secure it and start booking flights or whatever. It's irritating at best.

You'll get over it!

I built a house from books. I built a house from books. I do. I have a background in medicine. But I was able to build a house and passed all the inspections and meet code from a book. Why do I need a union electrician/Carpender/plumber to do it for me?

And I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way about registered nurses and the wages we get.

Specializes in Hospice.
Your insulting language is insufferable. Can you discuss things without name calling?

Because name-calling is the whole point. If you can get people entangled in re-litigating old neocon memes, most of which have been debunked over and over, they're not thinking about how to make progress.

Every few months or so, a new username shows up writing practically verbatim from or similar outlets. I've started using those posts as guides to what the owners are worrying about this week.

With working conditions getting worse across the board in healthcare, it's no wonder the owners feel they need to crank up the anti-union rhetoric.

Specializes in Med-Tele; ED; ICU.
Union does not mean anything. They collect their paycheck from what you make. the union do not stand up for nurses. Trust me I had MAJOR ISSUES AT MY OLD JOB the union rep was on my floor and did as a nurse and never said a thing to management. I have PSTD thinking about my old job it was that bad.
Unions are no different than corporate employers. Some are good and some are bad...

The difference is that I can affect change in the union; I am powerless against the corporation.

Specializes in Med-Tele; ED; ICU.
but we all pay for those incredible perks----

EXACTLY. Glad to see someone understands that.

Oh, I understand it and I'm thankful to be part of it.

We all pay the price for those seven-figure executive salaries and multi-million dollar stock-options... and ability of the fantastically wealthy individuals and corporations to have their money classified as speech.

Even with a union, the bulk of the power resides within the executive suite. Without a union, commodity labor is just that... a commodity to be acquired and discarded as it benefits the profit margin and/or valuation, to utilize until its deemed too expensive at which point it's easy to exchange for another which is cheaper.

In another life, I've sat in the executive suite and participated in these discussions. Treating people as fungible resources benefits only the corporation, not the people.

Specializes in Med-Tele; ED; ICU.

I wish everyone could have the vision of a pre-union labor force that I was afforded by working in a manufacturing plant in China.

There is a reason that dictatorial regimes such as the Chinese bar labor unions and it's *not* to protect the workers from union bosses, it's to protect the executive class from the workers.

How little American history people seem to grasp these days.

I have argued that for years. An employee is nothing more than a number to an employer. But the same goes for the unions. A paying member is nothing more than a number for the unions. Nobody is looking out for you Except you. That is why you need to worry about yourself first.

Specializes in ICU.

It has been fifty years since MLK said that we need a form of Democratic socialism in this country.

Dr King was organizing a union effort for sanitation workers in Memphis and a Poor Peoples March when he was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how you let him build the word like socialism just roll off your tongue.

Specializes in ICU.

This job can give you a bitter and black view of the world. I have a different view, and that is that with our collective strength we can and do make things happen.

I have argued that for years. And employee is nothing more than a number to an employer. But the same goes for the unions. A paying member is nothing more than a number for the unions. Nobody is looking out for you Except for you. That is why you need to worry about yourself first.
Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.


Specializes in Med-Tele; ED; ICU.
An employee is nothing more than a number to an employer. But the same goes for the unions. A paying member is nothing more than a number for the unions.

The difference is that the union derives its power from its members and ultimately answers to them. The corporation derives its power from its shareholders and ultimately answers to them.

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