Annoying and disruptive classmates (vent)



I just had to come here and vent because I am in danger of putting my foot wrong. It's just five weeks to the end of the semester and I don't want to jeopardise my progress.

In my class, there is a student who is a LOUD MOUTH. She is forever asking questions, in class, skills lab,clinicals everywhere. The most annoying thing is that after asking questions she doesn't stay quiet long enough to hear the answers!

Sometimes,the question she is asking is for "her personal knowledge" according to her. It's worse during the lab, because if she can stay quiet long enough, the instructor is going to talk about the next step she wants to ask about.

Lately, we have been having the same instructor during lab, and she is always telling the students, hold on, we haven't goten there yet or something along those lines. And then you see this particular student, rolling her eyes, muttering and just been generally rude.

Yesterday,was the final straw. The skills lab was so disruptive that I couldn't focus and I wasn't the only one. Non-stop questions, side conversations,one of her friend storming out of the class because the instructor told her to wait when she was asking a question, I could see my other classmates angry and frustrated as well because she just wouldn't shut up.

This same character is not a youngster by any chance, she is in her thirties (no spring chicken), and she is rude,crass and absolutely horrendous.Uses swear word and loudly too.

In clinicals, she is loud, you can hear her a mile away, she complains when she has to team up with another student, because she thinks the student is passive while she is the aggressive,know it all person.

Just to give you an idea of what we are dealing with, she is of the opinion that people with a 2.5 GPA cannot be good nurses because her GPA is nearly 4.0, can you believe that? "Do you want someone with a 2.5 GPA to be your nurse" asked she.

If a school is willing to admit people with 2.5 GPA how dare she make such a comment. She said this out loud yesterday in lab without giving a damn whether anybody there had a 2.5 GPA.

It's been my misfortune to have this person in the same skills lab and clinical setting and I am just praying the next 5 weeks pass quickly.

Next semester, I will resist every attempt to place me in her group because there is so much anyone can take.

Anyway, does anyone undertsand what I am talking about? Please share.:mad:

ps: I don't understand why the instructors/teachers haven't said anything to her?

gracelolaa - I don't think that I'm missing the point at all. You don't like this classmate, you think she's annoying and she could act better. That's your point, right?

You can't control the way other people act. The only thing that you can control is your reaction to other people.

I have plenty of people that get on my nerves in class and in life. There is no use in getting upset about it...that's my point. What are you going to do about it when a patient gets on your nerves? Or their family?

That sucks! Sorry, but I don't think there's anything you can do except ignore her. I'm amazed she hasn't been talked to yet by the instructor. It sounds like she needs to get a firmer grip on this lady.

I'm in my early thirties and consider myself a spring chicken.:lol2:

Must keep opinion about Non-trads to myself. Must not say anything. Nope nothing. Wont say it.

Yep, probably is a good idea if you are talking about the older student busting their butt trying to get through school while working and taking care of a family. ;)

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.
wow, Thatguy. That was pretty rude. I don't think it has anything to do with that student being a 'nontrad' as you call it. It has more to do with the person's attitude, an attitude that seems much like your own.

You know nothing about me. I take great offense to anyone that gets in the way of my learning, which is what school is all about. If someone is asking constant questions like she was describing and not waiting to get the answers or getting ahead and drives the whole class off course, yes I hate that. I'm not one of those arrogant, know it all, my **** dont stink non-trad that thinks the class is tailored to me. That is what I was referring to non-trad. Not just people that are older, like myself as someone noted, but the students that are back for their second ( or first maybe even ) degree that have been out of school and are back again that have a holier than thou attitude my 4.0 is awesome and you are dumb because you have a 2.75 (which I do). I strive to be friends with everyone in the class because everyone has something different to offer that other areas might not know about. I help those in my class and the classes below me because I want to see all my fellow nurses pass. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge yourself. Thanks for dragging me into this.

You know nothing about me. I take great offense to anyone that gets in the way of my learning, which is what school is all about. If someone is asking constant questions like she was describing and not waiting to get the answers or getting ahead and drives the whole class off course, yes I hate that. I'm not one of those arrogant, know it all, my **** dont stink non-trad that thinks the class is tailored to me. That is what I was referring to non-trad. Not just people that are older, like myself as someone noted, but the students that are back for their second ( or first maybe even ) degree that have been out of school and are back again that have a holier than thou attitude my 4.0 is awesome and you are dumb because you have a 2.75 (which I do). I strive to be friends with everyone in the class because everyone has something different to offer that other areas might not know about. I help those in my class and the classes below me because I want to see all my fellow nurses pass. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge yourself. Thanks for dragging me into this.

Then you probably should have #1 not said anything to begin with and/or #2 defined what non-trad was. :p

If you have explained yourself as you did here, no one would have jumped on you.

OP -

There is nothing wrong with this person in your class getting excited about her learning, who the heck are you to judge? I'm sure there's some things that bug her about you. Do you want her to run to the instructor and tattle on you? If the instructor has a problem with her interruptions, it's up for the instructor to say something to her. If she wants to make herself out to be a jerk (in your eyes), let her be one. You are going to have to get used to this type of attitude in nursing. It is going to come from patients, staff and patient's families. Better you let it start to roll off your back now than blow up at someone in your job.

The problem is not that she's excited about her learning. The problem is that she is disruptive to the flow of the class and asks questions that are not relevant to the class, only to herself. Everyone knows if you have a personal question that you ask it on your own time. There is a time and place to speak up and there is a time and place to shut up and we must know the difference if we want to be successful! It's called picking up on cues! It is not fair to the other students in the class to allow this person to dominate. OP I say take your concerns to the instructor. They tend to take these types of complaints seriously.

You know nothing about me. I take great offense to anyone that gets in the way of my learning, which is what school is all about. If someone is asking constant questions like she was describing and not waiting to get the answers or getting ahead and drives the whole class off course, yes I hate that. I'm not one of those arrogant, know it all, my **** dont stink non-trad that thinks the class is tailored to me. That is what I was referring to non-trad. Not just people that are older, like myself as someone noted, but the students that are back for their second ( or first maybe even ) degree that have been out of school and are back again that have a holier than thou attitude my 4.0 is awesome and you are dumb because you have a 2.75 (which I do). I strive to be friends with everyone in the class because everyone has something different to offer that other areas might not know about. I help those in my class and the classes below me because I want to see all my fellow nurses pass. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge yourself. Thanks for dragging me into this.

Sorry, you walked in to this dragging. If you didn't want to be involved you woudn't have posted the first passive aggressive post.

Still don't understand what a "holier than thou" attitude has to do with being a nontraditional it your contention that arrogance is only acquired with age? Sounds you have a personal ax to grind with a class member in your program.



Nontraditional Student

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
He means us old folks.

Yeah we aren't spring chickens you know at the old age of 30's :p

Hey guys,

Thanks for all your replies. Just wanted to say I am no spring chicken myself being in my late thirties and all:D

And please lets cut That Guy some slack, don't think he really meant any harm to us non-trads.

I do feel much better after reading these posts and I am ready to face the remaining five weeks of school.

Goodluck everyone.;)

Specializes in IMCU.

Besides -- we really aren't non-trads. Go ahead a look up the average age of those in nursing school.

Well that would make me a little non-trad but certainly not someone in their 30's. But I notice that there are no "traditional students in my section. It makes it kinda neat.

Wow, I had the same scenario play out in my CNA course last year. Loud and very rude lady who would never shut up. Hey maybe she transfered to your school! lol Anyway, I get that she was learning but when her learning disrupted EVERYONE ELSES' learning, I have a massive problem with that. And the instructors only spoke to her privately one time about her behavior but it still continued. I would have kicked her out of the class after the first week. At clinicals NO ONE would pair with her. She was ticked but who wants to work with someone like that? OP, I think the only way to deal with this is head on. If your instructors aren't going to do something about it, maybe have a private chat with her in the hallway asking her to respect others. I did not do this and I regret it. Maybe if I had talked to the lady in my class, maybe she could have gotten a partner in clinicals.

Specializes in Med/surg, Quality & Risk.
OP -

There is nothing wrong with this person in your class getting excited about her learning, who the heck are you to judge? I'm sure there's some things that bug her about you. Do you want her to run to the instructor and tattle on you? If the instructor has a problem with her interruptions, it's up for the instructor to say something to her. If she wants to make herself out to be a jerk (in your eyes), let her be one. You are going to have to get used to this type of attitude in nursing. It is going to come from patients, staff and patient's families. Better you let it start to roll off your back now than blow up at someone in your job.

Talking loudly, swearing loudly, disrupting the class, being disrespectful to others who are trying to learn - I mean, what's not to like?

I personally think instructors have the responsibility to put students in their place and let them know they are being disruptive to others. I don't feel like it's our place as students to tell other students to be quiet.

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