Published Sep 13, 2005
154 Posts
Ok I am a pretty new RN, was a LPN before and worked EMS befroe that. I have been in the ER for 4 months and thought all was going really well, until my 90 day review (that was late). Well I was told that I talk to much, not that I am talking when I should be working just that I talk to much when I am in the nurses station. The thing is everyone is talking, and so I tried yesterday not to talk much, and all I got was everyone asking me what was wrong, are you tired? are you sick? Well after about the tenth question I said well I am fine but I was told i talk to much. Well the nurse I said it to was shocked, she said are you serious I cant believe that, you don't talk to much. I know where it came from, there is one charge nurse who goes out of her way to give me crap, I will be walking out of a room after starting a IV and she will ask why I have not charted it yet, well I just did it and you dont chart before you do it!!!! Others have also noticed this behavior form her also . The thing is I have always been one ot stand up for myself and not take any crap from anyone, but I feel I am not in the position to be makeing waves, I love my job and feel that I need to just take the crap I am getting, but then I feel like I am pretending to be someone else by keeping my mouth shut!!! Anyway thanks for listening!!!
548 Posts
I love how nurses are always sabotaging one another. We talk about "compassion" and "caring", yet some nurses treat their own fellow co-workers like dirt. Sorry you're working with such a witch.
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
We have a nurse like that. Awesome when it comes to standing up for us, but rides our butts other times. I've learned to just go "I'm on it" and leave the situation.
I would have mentioned to whoever was doing the review that when whoever made this complaint sees you talking, they need to mention it THEN. Fix the problem (if there is one) as it's happening, not after the fact. KWIM? -Andrea
MrsWampthang, BSN, RN
511 Posts
Exactly why I left Jen. Believe me, you're not the only one that thinks there are problems with that particular charge nurse or at least one other. As for the one that gave you the review, well, she knows about the problems in the department and has done nothing about it, except take as gospel what the tattletale whiney crybabies are telling her. Look around and notice the mass exodus of GOOD nurses from this department and then ask yourself why? Then don't be so hard on yourself; believe me YOU aren't the problem, trust me! And don't believe every rumor you hear about a certain person leaving, his significant other doesn't have that much influence with him. Do yourself a favor though, watch your back!!!!!
We have a nurse like that. Awesome when it comes to standing up for us, but rides our butts other times. I've learned to just go "I'm on it" and leave the situation. I would have mentioned to whoever was doing the review that when whoever made this complaint sees you talking, they need to mention it THEN. Fix the problem (if there is one) as it's happening, not after the fact. KWIM? -Andrea
What does KWIM mean? And as for the reviewer, she's been told more than once that she needs to hold her charge nurses responsible for taking care of a problem when it happens and not bring it to her to do the dirty work. She's also been told that there are big problems in her department, hence one reason why there has been a mass exodus from her department. She just doesn't act like she cares. Just like she doesn't care that the department budget is skyrocketing out of control because she has so many openings that she has to offer incentive pay to cover them. Even then, there is only a handful of people that are willing to kill themselves to help cover, and these are usually the per dium people that, in addition to OT @ $50 an hour, but also with $10 an hour tacked on for incentive. She doesn't back her employees up, if there is a complaint against someone, it is the employees fault, no questions asked. I could go on and on, but I'd get tired of typing. All I can say is that, even though at present I am unemployed, I am happier than I have been for a long time!!! I actually love my boyfriend again!!!! LOL! And I wouldn't go back to work for that manager if you paid me three times what my wage was. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! It wasn't the work, which I loved! It was definitely her and some of the coworkers that insist on being witches to others.
182 Posts
One of our LPN's got fired today. She had worked there 19 years but the problem was that someone else wants her hours. That person is willing to make nice with our don. Deb was not that type of person. She did her job, did it well but didn't care to be glued to the don's backside. :angryfire She was fired because of someone willing to lie that she had her grandson at work all day Saturday. I know she didn't cuz I worked the same shift. Unfortunately they won't listen to those of us that were there. I think that if someone is doing something wrong they should know it at the time it is going on. By the way she had another job by the end of the day.
27 Posts
(I'm a new nurse too)...I wouldn't change for anyone...unless I thought I needed to change....that's so rude for someone to even tell you that. There's a nurse at my job that gives me a hard time quite often....the silliest thing she disciplined me for was the WAY I WAS STANDING WHEN I WAS DOING THE PYXIS COUNT....I was have GOT to be kidding me...I didn't know there was such a rule. I think she says things just to get under my skin...and boy she does a great job of that! Be who you are....try not to let the nurse get to you...give it right back to her....but respectfully....
342 Posts
I couldn't agree more. It's really very sad. They say that nurses eat their young? Well I think some don't have a preference. They will eat the young, the old, the male, the black, the white, the.......get my meaning??? And, just term for them is "wenchbag". For somereason, it just seems more appropriate and no one can eat me up for cussing on the job. Last I heard, "wenchbag" was not a cuss word!!! :rotfl:
Hang in there. Obviously momma has literally been there, done that. Take her words of advice "watch your backside". Might even be a good time to ? find another job?
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
You are kidding, right? The woman has lots of recourse if she wants to get back at them. She could sue the nursing home for wrongful termination and the person who lied about her for damages. You and other workers would be her witnesses.
I have to say, however, that red flags went up when I read your post. I suspect that there is something else going on that this nurse who was fired is not telling you. I was thinking that I would be so mad. If the DON was sticking to the tattletale's information I would get angry and quit on the spot myself.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,715 Posts
You're last line contains the advice I was going to give you. Be yourself, be true to yourself, honor yourself.
You might irritate some crab apple, but who cares. Be yourself. You can't please everyone.
244 Posts
I have one HUGE problem. What does your "talking to much" have to do with your abilities to provide safe and effective patient care. Before any manager should chatise staff about behaivior, it should not be based on opinions and generalizations -- your manager is out of line.
1. Has your socializing consistently caused your patients not to recieve timely or appropite care? - NO
2. Has your socializing dealt in offensive language or behaivior toward staff or patients? - NO
3. Was any of these concerns addressed with you prior to your review? - NO
I don't think you are being a baby. I think that it is unfortunate that your manager has used your evaluation to criticize you for petty, unsubstantiated, opinionated crap. That's the real crime, not the charge nurse. I expect your co-workers to be petty people but your manager should be above that. She is the one who should deal in REAL issues.
I have one HUGE problem. What does your "talking to much" have to do with your abilities to provide safe and effective patient care. Before any manager should chatise staff about behaivior, it should not be based on opinions and generalizations -- your manager is out of line. 1. Has your socializing consistently caused your patients not to recieve timely or appropite care? - NO2. Has your socializing dealt in offensive language or behaivior toward staff or patients? - NO3. Was any of these concerns addressed with you prior to your review? - NOI don't think you are being a baby. I think that it is unfortunate that your manager has used your evaluation to criticize you for petty, unsubstantiated, opinionated crap. That's the real crime, not the charge nurse. I expect your co-workers to be petty people but your manager should be above that. She is the one who should deal in REAL issues.
She doesn't. She has no people skills at all.