Published Apr 15, 2008
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Been here 2 weeks now and boy it has gone quick. We bought our house before moving but completed the day after we arrived in Canada. This certainly helped as we have 3 dogs and found it very hard to find any type of rental.
Would recommend that you bring any driving history especially on car insurance as we had a great insurance broker and he found a Canadian company willing to take into account our UK history and saved over $1000 on insurance, first company said they had taken our history into account and quoted $2000 CD and he was sure he could do better and found another company who gave us $1000CD so obviously took the second one. If buying a house one of the things you have to get is house insurance so definitely worth finding a broker as they can sometimes get car and house insurance with same company and they give discounts. Didn't work for us but we would recommend a good broker.
Everyone we have met has been great and so helpful, next door neighbour popped over to meet us and he was born in this house and lived in it for over 50 years before selling. Was originally a farm.
Husband received his SIN number with no problems but I don't get one until I either get my own temp work permit or become a PR.
Shopping has been OK although been fun trying to decide on stuff suitable for DH as he is a veggie but haven't done too bad although Quorn is not licensed here we have managed to find some alternatives. Have struggled a bit with the cooker, oven works in F when I am used to C and actually prefer Gas but that is not in many houses here where we live, so first few times cooking in the oven it has taken a long time. Saying that the grill (broiler) works great and managed to burn a few things. DH loves loose tea leaves (loves his drink of tea) and although small bags have managed to find some but not PG :) I am happy as I love percolator coffee and have a fav make which I can now buy.
Had to get used to a wood burner for heating so had a few fun times trying to light the fire and keep it lit, say that things are getting warmer but have to think about buying wood for next winter now as we need to dry it out. Also have a oil furnace but only use that to back up the wood burner.
Everywhere you look here in Nova Scotia are trees, trees and more trees but have seen a few deers, lots of robins although a larger variety than the UK ones, have a sitting tenant picture at the bottom and they do not seem too bothered about the dogs but does live under 2 sheds and a tree. Can't decide what animal it is was told raccoon but doesn't look like one. The 3 dogs traveled well and glad we used an agency although a little bit more expensive they did all the paperwork and the dogs followed us a few day slater which gave us chance to get a few things settled prior them arriving. Did take us a few hours waiting for customs to check them out and release them, but was worth it once they realised it was us and they have so settled here and the youngest one loves to go out all the time and has been known at the slightest movement from me to run to the back door hoping to go out downside is she gets covered in burrs and hates me removing them from her long coat and tends to bite them out of her fur and leaves bits all over the place.
Due to where we live we have had to get satellite internet which although classed as high speed is not as fast as we expected which is hard on DH as he needs internet access to work but eventually the plan is everyone in NS will have cable internet access by next year (well that is what I have been told will happen)
Hope you enjoy my little experience and enjoy the pictures
8,343 Posts
Can't see it's tail, it could be either a muskrat or a beaver. It's definitely not a racoon. Those beasts have huge claws and don't let anything or one come between them and a garbage can.
Look for loose tea in the imported or East Indian products in the supermarkets. You can also find it in specialty stores that sell just teas. Out west, you'd look for Murchie's, don't know if there are any out east.
275 Posts
well that looks like a canadian beaver to me but its pretty light in color so i dont know
theres alot of rodent type things in this country. its DEFINETLY not a racoon! youll see one. they have a distinct walk to them they like bounce when they are running away. I see them all the time where i live
Watch your pets (cats, etc) if you live by raccoons they can attack if provoked apparently. no petting them!
1,700 Posts
Thanks for all the info SD, so glad things went well! The house looks fantastic! Bet you've loads more space than you did here in the UK?!
Will probably be sending loads of PM's once we have our date set...sorry in advance! :-)
Billy Shears
137 Posts
House looks beautiful. How many acres? Not jealous at all :)
More pics more pics!!!!
633 Posts
House looks great Anna and you sound very happy too, glad you made it over the pond to start your new life
What are trees???!!!!!!!!! Only have palms down here lol:lol2:
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Looks like a beaver to me too.
Love your house!!
We have a wood burning furnace only - which I love and hate. I hate the soot on the walls. I love standing in the hallway over the brass grate and having that heat surround me.
Nothing like wood heat for warmth.
Thanks for all the info SD, so glad things went well! The house looks fantastic! Bet you've loads more space than you did here in the UK?!Will probably be sending loads of PM's once we have our date set...sorry in advance! :-)
No worries, pm away :)
House looks beautiful. How many acres? Not jealous at all :)More pics more pics!!!!
18 acres and more pictures :)
8 Posts
we're all glad:yeah: that your enjoying your new life, the pictures are GREAT:bow:
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
The animal in question is called a ground hog. They live in holes in the ground and are harmless. Many farmers do not like them becuase their holes are hazardous to livestock(they step in the holes and get injured).
Welcome to Canada!!! Your pics are beautiful.
18 acres!!! You need some horses!
Is the bottom pic from the house? If so I bet the house looks great from the road.
Bet your dogs think they've died and gone to heaven.
All the best SD, keep the pics a comin.
42 Posts
The house looks great. Although initiallly I thought 'beaver', your description of where it lives rules that out. Love N.S. having visited 10+ times including this Feb. and coming again Sept. We have lots of friends there. In fact, we are coming to a wedding of friends in Sept. at Hubbards. Whereabouts are you?