All Graduates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

So I am so close to graduation!!!!!!!! Are any graduates out there as excited as I am??? I cannot believe after all this time pursuing nursing my time has finally come and it just doesnt seem real!!!!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I am so happy for you!!!!!!

May 15th is my pinnng and a few days later is graduation ceremony! Very excited!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Thanks!!!! Congrats CT Pixie! It just doesnt seem real, although I sent my app. in for my license and all that stuff to take NCLEX wow!! :) I hope everyone else getting ready to graduate are as excited..We are rounding the finish line!

*raises hand* May 1 pinning and May 3 graduation!!! I love being able to say 6 weeks till graduation when people ask me!

Congrats!! My pinning is May 10 (i believe) and my graduation ceremony is May 11. I cant wait, so I know you probably cant either! :)

My pinning ceremony is 3/22/13, with graduation 6/2013... I can't wait either!!!!!

Specializes in ICU.

May 11 FNP graduation. Anxiety setting in with all the work that still needs done.

YES YES YES!!! May 22!

Graduation and pinning on May 10. Anyone else have a countdown timer on their computer desktop? I have mine set to the hour. It makes every day just a bit more bearable. Haha

Pinning on may 9th, and graduation on may 10th

I just had my last clinical yesterday, and my final is on Tuesday. Then I only have to do 8 days with my preceptor!!!!

It doesn't feel real.

Specializes in L&D.

Yes! I believe pinning is May 17 and graduation May 18. Very excited to be DONE!

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