I'm so upset.. just walked in the door from working a night shift at a skilled long term care facility. I had a CNA working under me who had left a patient in a bed with urine until the urine had a yellow ring a round it. I instructed her to change the bedding and let her know that tolerate patients being I consider this kind of care unacceptable. I am brand new to the night shift. The CNA immediately accused me of being racist and "you're treating me like a black woman!"
I let my DNS know this morning... of the lack of care that the CNA provided, of things not done during the shift, etc. The DNS told me that she is very nervous about the possibilty of an EEO suit and that I should "cover yourself really well".
HELP!! This is a terrifing situation to me. I've worked as a nurse for over 2 decades and never been accused of racism. I don't think that there was anything in this situation that could have been construed as racism... but... what do I need to do to protect myself. What a nasty situation! What makes it even more frustrating is that this CNA frequently does very poor quality work and I've been trying to keep everything up beat and cheerful in the workplace. Now I don't know what to do!