Published Oct 24, 2010
13 Posts
I was told that when it comes to LTC's and neglect or abuse cases that the authorities are usually not contacted automatically, the churches or charities I guess are the ones contacted and deal with it. Maybe I was ill informed but why in the world would authorities not get involved with something like this??? Is it up to the family members to get the police involved b/c chances are the resident is not able to? Would it have to be a private lawyer type matter?? I'm so incredibly confused about this and why this protocol is in place....or lack of protocol I suppose. Any insight is greatly appreciated, and please correct me if I'm wrong on these accounts.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Every LTC is required by law to have the numbers to report them posted in a public place. And every one in which I have worked does.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
ummm..not sure where you're getting your information, but it is very wrong.
We are required to notify the department of health within 24 hours of any allegation of abuse...even if it is widely unlikely that it ever happened. It has gotten so out of hand, that we are now reporting any delusional thought process that any demented little old lady has. We have 5 days to investigate the allegation and report these findings (which at that time we state just how crazy the allegation may be).
If for any reason the dept. of health doubts our investigation, they come to the facility and investigate it for themselves.
True neglect and abuse is very serious in LTC and is NOT taken lightly. There have been a few times that we have called the police in to investigate but they are very ill equipped to handle a confused person.
17 Posts
Gosh, I'm pretty new at posting, but I gotta say -- from my 20 plus years in nursing homes in two states, haven't seen anything at all like you say "they" told you. Quite the contrary. Who is the "they" that told you? Resident? Family member? Church or charity person? With all the reporting that I have done and seen done, can't imagine who would have told you that. Maybe it would help someone answer your questions if it was more clearly.
JB2007, ASN, RN
554 Posts
Yes the authorities would be involved. Also the state board of health and the BON. Abuse and neglect are serious charges and are to be taken very seriously. Maybe the churches and charities may become involved if the family or resident chooses to contact them, but not in a authoritative way. More like emotional or spritual way. If the facility is worth anything they will be the ones to contact the authorities and not the family/resident. Yes, there should be protocol in place and followed in these types of situations.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
I'm having a little trouble understanding the question. What churches and charities are you referring to? And how would they be involved?
When you say the authorities are not "usually not contacted automatically," do you mean when an individual makes an abuse/neglect complaint? Because wouldn't the abuse/neglect complaint be made to "the authorities"?
mc3, ASN, RN
931 Posts
Oh no - whoever is telling you that flat out wrong. You have a legal obligation as a nurse as well as a moral obligation as a human being to report abuse or neglect to the proper authorities. Post haste. If the number of your state agency for elder affairs is not posted at work (by law, it should be), then look in the phone book under elder services. Ignore what your co-workers, boss, friends or whoever is telling you if they tell you not to. You can make a complaint anonomously, if need be. If have done so, and also left my name and number. I don't care if anyone comes back to me about it. I've put in complaints against my agencies wishes. Too bad. I have to live with myself and sleep at night, and so do you. There is a special place in ---- for folks who mistreat elders. This is a very sore spot with me!
Let me clarify my other post the authorities and BON would get involved if the abuse or neglect truely happened. There is the confuse residents and family members the do say things that are not always true.
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Don't believe everything you hear. We are MANDATED reporters in LTC. We MUST report abuse to the 'authorities'...the DPH. In this state we have 48 hours to investigate and submit a written report. If the abuse has to do with misappropriation of funds, I also call the local police and have them come in and interview all the parties (allegedly) involved. Even if the resident is clearly confused, we are obligated to investigate. I usually report everything no matter how preposterous it sounds. Why in the world would anyone call a church or a charity to report abuse???