ABSN Duke Fall 2010

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi All!

I have decided to take the plunge and leave my career as a mental health therapist to gain a BSN in Nursing and hopefully move straight into MSN program. Is anyone else applying to Duke in the Fall??:yeah:

Does anyone know if our profile/status pages will be updated once our files have been reviewed? That would be so great! Then I could just obsessively check my status every three and a half minutes...

Also, I saw a previous thread like Geneva Marie mentioned, and they discussed interviewing. I am curious though, some were saying how they had to talk really fast in order to get everything in before they ran out of time...Wha? What do you think that means? I know Duke sends out interview packets. Maybe they had reheorificed answers?

Oh, I don't even have a banner ad. Hmph!

I called SON today and was told that they will be calling starting next week for interviews and continue the beg of the following week-basically we should get a call before Christmas.

Good luck to everyone

Thanks taz! That helps us relax the rest of this week.

kebunt: Is the thread you're talking about: "Duke ABSN Spring 2010, anyone?"

Hi Carolina11,

yes, I am definitely interested in relocating (at the very least, for a few years). I've grown up in Southern CA, and went to undergrad in northern CA, and think it's time for me to get some experiences elsewhere. North Carolina sounds perfect!

Looking forward to hearing from Duke and hopefully meeting you all in the near future.

Oh Taz, thank you! :bowingpur Now I can destress all weekend

Yes Carolina11, that's the one! Someone says "I barely got to finish the whole thing in time" and someone else talks about being about to finish the whole thing in just under 30. That makes it sound like there are preset questions, doesn't it?

I was hoping that Snoozie64 would drop in and give a little insight, but wait...she's too busy 'cause she's gradulating on Saturday!!!

Yay Snoozie!! :clpty:

Specializes in ER/Acute Care.

I'm at work and its slow right now so I thought I'd check in and try to help answer some questions and maybe relieve some of your stressors.

Some of you may be interested in reading the thread from our cohort: https://allnurses.com/pre-nursing-student/anyone-applying-duke-356006.html We had similar anxieties about the process and the timelines will align with your application experience.

The interview process is very relaxed, just remember to review your personal statement and dress for the part. I really enjoyed Duke Days and the experience is more for you than it is for the faculty. You'll really get a chance to get to know the school, the program, and the campus. It took the admissions committee just a couple of weeks to follow-up and alert applicants about interview dates. Anyone who's out of town, don't be overly concerned if you have to do a phone interview. The faculty and committee members are very fair, so not being their in person isn't a big deal at all.

Anyway, good luck with everything! Have the happiest of holidays ;)

Hey guys, does anyone know if they do any kind of GPA recalculations, or do they only look at your GPA that's on your transcript where you got your degree. I'm curious because I took classes over the summers and abroad, and only the credits transferred, not the grades.

Here's to hearing good news within the next 2 weeks!

I have been told that, while their overall GPA calculations only really take your undergrad degree into account, your grades in post-degree prerequisite courses weigh heavily in their decision making.


Are you saying you heard that only undergrad grades count? That sucks when I have sparkling clean graduate school grades!. Grrr.

I can't imagine they wouldn't consider your grad school record.

Has anyone asked how many applications they received?


The link you posted was like a crime novel. I could not stop reading!!! OMG- I have been sitting at my desk at work READING THIS STUFF ALL DAY LONG. Insane, really. Hopefully they aren't monitoring my internet usage too closely. :eek:

For those of you who would prefer the CliffsNotes version... Sounds as if interview produces some "CERTAIN YES's" and some "PROBABLY YES's" Those who were a CERTAIN YES were notifed soon after their interview (3-4 days). The PROBABLY's then trickled in a bit more slowly... The last to hear were those who were waitlisted. Seems as though even some that were waitlisted were able to creep up the list as other's declined the offer. Many of those folks were also offered a slot in the next incoming class.

overall the success rate for "posters" was very high!

I'm trying not to get my hopes up... but I think I've gotten my hopes up. EEEEK

Joining the party! I too was at work today reading this thread like a crime novel, ha! Can't wait to hear if I get an interview like all of you! I went to the informational session in Oct and it confirmed that Duke will be a GREAT program to be a part of if that is what is decided for me.

I did take the GRE Nov 24th with the stomach flu which was so last minute that I couldn't reschedule before the deadline. Oh well, let's hope that GPA really is more important than the GRE score and I'll be fine! Can't wait to hear from people when they get notified about their interviews!

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