ABSN Duke Fall 2010

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi All!

I have decided to take the plunge and leave my career as a mental health therapist to gain a BSN in Nursing and hopefully move straight into MSN program. Is anyone else applying to Duke in the Fall??:yeah:

Hey Ya'll!

I haven't been getting the "someone replied your thread" email. I though the thread had gone quite, so I checked and its been a mini party on here!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday. Welcome to the new posters/Duke applicants.

Do you all think we will start hearing about interviews this week? Everytime my email dings on my BlackBerry I about pee my pants...lovely I know!:imbar

Ok, Im feeling the anxiety, anyone else out there???

Haha, yes I feel anxious everytime I check my email! Anyone know how many applicants there are?

I had my first anxiety dream last night. It involved sitting in on one the Nursing Classes.

The professor was walking around the room- quizzing people like it was the military. She was shouting out sentences and having the class finish her thoughts by shouting responses in unison. The room was packed and I just sat in the back row with my jaw on the floor. :imbar

haha... ended up sleeping through my alarm.

For those of you checking on emails or waiting by the phone, I just heard from *the nice lady* and she tells me that the committee has not started the review process yet. I don't know when they'll be starting, or how many applicants, but at least we can take the night off from stressing!

I'd like to know the final count of applicants too if anyone knows. "She" told me last week that they have a graduation on the 12th (or something like that) and I think that's been their focus right now.

I get the tinge of anxiety every time I check email too...

Geneva-I HOPE your dream (nightmare) is not a premonition!

Yall are a hoot!

Thanks for the heads up, Kebunt! I was hoping that we'd hear about interviews this week but, it sounds like maybe not. Darn.

By the way, does anyone know if they received more applications this year because of the recession? I'm worried that the recession is driving folks towards professions like nursing... which will make it even harder for us to get in!

I asked Georgetown this question at an information session recently and they said that they haven't noticed an increase in inquiries from prospective students so, that's good news!

Abbie Grace~

I have mulled that idea over as well. My opinion is that most folks are still turned off by having to go back and take the science pre-reqs. required to get into an ABSN program. Granted, some will have first degrees in science- but most will not. Also with DUKE's price tag... I doubt that the recession has made it the MOST appealing option.

I know that Winston-Salem State offers a 13 month ABSN that is 100% paid + $500 monthly stipend. Now- THAT is a place that might see a huge increase in applications.


GenevaMarie makes a good point- If people are affected by the recession and needing a change, Duke is definitely not their most economical choice. I wouldn't be surprised if some public and open enrollment programs aren't inundated though.

If it helps, I have heard that some people who othewise would have applied are choosing not to because of the temporary glut. Maybe the two trends will cancel each other out?

Hey everybody. Just joining this thread (I know, I'm a little late to the party - better late than never, right?). I did get my application in by Dec 1.

I was curious if we know what kind of questions they will be asking and the format the interview is going to be in?

Hopefully we will know when we will have our interview by the end of this week but I do understand how busy they trying to get things wrapped up for graduation.

From what I've heard, interviews are relaxed. I think you talk with a few members of faculty at the same time, and they ask questions based on your essay. But I'd skim through your whole application to have everything fresh in your mind (resume).

This is just a guess, but I'd have in mind an example of a difficult situation you overcame, what confirmed your choice to pursue nursing, strengths and weaknesses, career goals, how you are prepared to handle an accelerated program, etc.

Hey TAZLUFF!!! It's never too late to join the party!

You others may find it interesting to read the thread from the Spring 2010 class (if you haven't stalked it out already.) It basically tracks them going through the exact same process...interviews...waiting...notification.

Also- the banner ad on top of my screen is for engagement rings... is this some kind of SICK JOKE? :)

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