Published Sep 4, 2010
Scarlette Wings
358 Posts
if you could describe a “perfect shift” what would you describe? this is my fantasy and if you are going to dream might as well as dream big.
1. there would be no call offs. all the assigned staff would show up ready to do their job.
2. all the employee’s on the unit would be hospital employee’s familiar with policies and procedure, or at least be agency staff extremely familiar with policies and know where all the stock is kept.
3. the supply stock would actually have what it should and we would not be out of anything. also nothing would be on back order.
4. there would only be 4-5 patients for every nurse and at least 2 would be walkie talkies, fairly stable, or at the very least be able to turn over and feed themselves.every nursing assistant would have less then 10 patients.
5. every nurse and nursing assistant would work as a team and assist one another with baths, vital signs, and i & o's.
6. any patient that is medically unstable with a high acuity would have a nurse with no more than the described patient load in # 4 above.
7. management would all come in to work wanting to be team players and would come help on the floor if needed and not act as if it was a burden.
8. everyone would get two 15 minute breaks and one full un-interrupted 30 minute lunch break.
9. call lights would only go off for real patient needs, no fluff my pillow-bend my straw-change the tv channel requests.
10. the med cart would actually have every single ordered medication on it for my shift and i would not have to hunt, beg, run to pharmacy, or get an order for any medication “not on our formulary.” i would actually be able to do a med pass without a single interruption and in the assigned time limits.
anyone care to fantasize with me on the perfect shift?
p.s. one more thing, doctors would actually say "thank you."
12 Posts
hahaha!! amazing! ^^ it would be a perfect world if that actually happend!:)
wooh, BSN, RN
1 Article; 4,383 Posts
RT, PT, lab, pharmacy, etc. would all do their jobs without 1) me calling ten times asking them to and 2) without insisting that *I* call the physician to clarify their orders for them.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
People would only come to the ED with real emergencies and not because their ingrown toe nail has bee hurting for the last 3 weeks
658 Posts
I had a night shift like that couple of times. (med/surg) It was weird. Half were self care and the other half was partial assist. No totals or confused. Everyones pain was under control and they all slept. I was on edge like someone was going to code or come running out of a room covered in blood.
I think I need some imperfection in my shift to hold back the paranoid feeling.
198 Posts
Everything you suggested and no admissions or nurses trying to call report at change of shift.
117 Posts
Sounds great! Throw in doctors who write their orders legibly!
88 Posts
dynamaps that work! no running out of temperature probes, med cart stock, someone ready to co-sign heparin, insulin, or a waste with you
223 Posts
The only thing I can think of to add, would be for the crazy family to go home!
410 Posts
I don't really need any of that fun stuff... I prefer some crazy in my day. I would, however, like a manager who knows how to use the clinical equipment and is willing to actually help out, not just stick a head in the room and say, "Wow, it looks like you guys are busy in here. I'll just sit at the desk in case anyone wanders past."
393 Posts
No one sits until everyone sits! No updating endless family members by phone. And potluck for lunch!
471 Posts
And the doctors are gorgeous, kind, and cheerful when we call them at home?