A mini poll

Nursing Students General Students


A mini poll:

Do you go to school full or part time?

Do you work full or part time?

I was wondering because I work full time (36) and go to school part time. Once I get into the nursing program, I'm going to stop working and take out a loan so I can go to school full time. Just wondering what your doing...:p


Full-time student and mom!

i'm studying full time. But i sponsered by hospital so every month got money. so there is no problem.

I am a full-time student with a full-time family. I work my butt off.

I will be working the graveyard shift and get off at 7. Then I have school at 8:30 until about 11. I have labs on mondays from 3-6 and on tuesdays from 5:30-9:30. I am just getting off job orientation so I haven't worked it yet, and I was just wondering when I was going to have time (and energy) to study and sleep too. :eek: It is very inspirational to hear about those of you who work full time and go to school full/part time because were all in this together. I pay for school myself so I'm required to work but it builds character and makes me thankful for school more than I would if I didn't work.


Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..

I work part time (20 - 30 hrs a week) and this semester will be attending school 3/4 time (10 hrs). It really gets to me during breaks from school - I wish I could just stay home and be a mom and wife during those times and not have to work too.

I go to school full time (14hrs this semester) and work part time (25-30 hours varies, drops to 20 in periods of distress :eek: ). I don't have a choice, while hubby is taking care of the majority of the financial side, he is self employed, NO HEALTH INSURANCE! To take out a policy (that covers maternity) it would cost over $300/month. So I found a part time job with benefits, and we will just make it through.

Good Luck to all of you that have taken on such intense schedules this semester. I know we will ALL make it through:)

I go to school full time but instruct 6 aerobic classes each week (3 days a week, 2 on each).

School full time... of course, my full time job before school was wife/mom... that didn't stop just because classes started! ;)

I work 24 hours as a Nursing Assistant and I go to school full time. I think school would be alot harder if I hadn't got all my prereqs and elective classes out of the way before I started the Nursing program. All I have to do is the Nursing classes now!:)

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