How many hours did you study A&P and what grade did you get?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I start A&P in the fall and I was curious about how many hours you typically spent studying and what grade you got. I know everyone is different but I am just wanting the average. Thanks.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Honestly not a clue. I studied hard when I needed to and didn't study much when I felt confident. I made As in both A&P I and A&PII

I dont think quantifying hours is going to help. Everyone is different. My advice is study smart. Be efficient in your studying and think about what the prof wants you to know. Maximize your time by studying that. I see people studying over minute details and relatively insignificant points and not studying more on key concepts.

more hours than I could count, like other posters said, some things required tons of time for me like learning the bones, features of bones, muscle names, insertions, origins, actions etc, nerves and blood vessels. Other things didn't require as much, but over all I studied more for that class than any other I've taken and I did get an A. Hope that helps!

I honestly don't know. But I know it seemed like I was constantly reading that book and doing online quizzes on an A&P website. I got a "B" in both.

On a non test week I read the current chapter and took note after note. I also would quickly review his class notes as well. I'd say maybe 4 hours or so on non test weeks. Tests weeks, I would say 15+. I would make up a review sheet and just write all the keypoints down. Review all our quizzes and the practice exam until I knew most of the answers. My system was just notes and flashcards. I did spend a ton of time but did get an A. Best of luck to you.

Well, it really depended on a host of factors. I certainly did *more* studying prior to tests. I would say a typical week average-wise I would spend about 3 hours for the entire week. Prior to the tests though I would study two days prior to the test 3-4 hours each day. I would read the chapter and highlight the important stuff just to familiarize myself with the material in the weeks before the test Prior to an examination I would carefully reread the material so much so that I felt I could TEACH the material to others (which is why I studied about 6-8 hours in the two days preceeding the test). For practicals I only needed about 1-1.5 hours to study which I usually did the night before.

I earned As in both A&P I and II. I found I spent more time studying for A&P II as the subject matter was entirely new for me whereas A&P I at least the first quarter of the semester was more of review for me.

I studied harder for A&P then i have for any other class and ended up with an A. I don't remember the number of hours, but I tried to do some reading most days of the week and took notes along the way. I also made note cards, which seemed to help a lot.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll do good!

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

I studied maybe a total of 5 hours the entire semester and got a C. Not bragging at all I'm actually not proud of myself. But I'm trying to change my study habits. I'm sure had I applied myself I would've done better.

Good luck,


I studied WAY more for A&P I than I did for II, because i had a rediculously hard teacher, who caused at least half of each of her sections (she had 5 classes) to withdrawl and the about a 3rd of the remaining students recieved a D or F. I studied for about an hour or so on non tests weeks but on test weeks probably 3-4 hours over the two nights prior to the test. I was 1 of the 10 or so in all of her classes that recieved an A. (she had about 150 AP I students). Ironically Im in a 3 week A&P II class now and this teacher is really easy!, well i wouldnt call it easy, he just gives out alot of ec on each test so if you study your almost guranteed an A. I study about 3 hours a week in AP II for 3-4 tests and labs every week.

I highly recommend making flash cards for A and P - I made A's in both, but I don't remember how much I actually studied because I had the flash cards with me alll the time. Waiting in line - flash cards, stop light slow - flash cards, on hold for an authorization at work - flash cards. Worked for me!

I 'studied' about 1-2 hours every day, and for the 3-4 days prior to an exam or practical, I studied anywhere from 6-12 hours each day. I put 'studied' in quotes because much of this time was not formal study time---I just used every opportunity to think about the material/review notes and flashcards,etc.---sitting in traffic, in the shower, etc. It was a tough semester personally--I had one child in and out of the hospital for a week as well as my Mom in the hospital for 6 days. And......I have two small children and a traveling husband, so many times my formal studying/reviewing took place in the dark of night or the weeeeeee hours of the morning before the sun was up. It paid off, though, because I received the highest grade of any A&P I student in any section during the Spring '09 section at my college! I ended up with 101%. Believe me, I am not bragging--I'm just saying that it can be done if you are determined!

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