What's the weirdest baby name?

Specialties Ob/Gyn Nursing Q/A

Hi, I was wondering about some of those weird names that you've probably encountered in L&D and PP. I remember when I had my maternity rotation a couple of weeks ago, one of the nurses said she remembers a patient that named her child Placenta. I couldn't believe it that some child has to live his life named after disgusting afterbirth!

Specializes in LTC.

OMG. There was a pregnant girl in my A&P class. :bby:At the beginning of class one day the instructor asked her if she had picked out a name yet and she said no. During class the instructor was teaching us about "steatorhhea" when she said "That would be a pretty name." She was clearly joking. This instructor is an excellent teacher with a wonderful sense of humor. The pregnant student is still one of my closest friends and brings it up from time to time for a good laugh.:roll

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

I had a Brazilian friend in college whose name was Erlete. Her nickname, which apparently was perfectly OK in Portuguese, was Letch. (The Turkish sisters reminded me of that).

Took care of a new baby whose parents decided to name him Nostradamus. Had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "I predict this will turn out badly." :uhoh3:

I used to be a caseworker for a local child support department some of the odd ones I've seen as:

Beyonce and Bayonce-twins




Secret and Treasure-sisters




Krystal Summer- actually very cute

Mother pregnant with twins who had been on Anetpartum for several months due to PTL.

Named children Orangello and Lemonjello as she loved the Orange and Lemon jello served at the hospital.:specs:

Another mother of twins who was going to name her boys Jon and Jonathan until her nurse convinced her that she shouldn't do this to her children.

My favorites are Precious and Princess and of course, Latrina.:paw:

Specializes in urology, pediatrics, med-surg.

I met a girl last week named Irony. :confused:

Specializes in nursery, L and D.

Don't know if I have said this one here or not, my middle son has a friend named Ebay. Really great family, obviously not good with names, lol.

One that blew my mind was lady parts.... with the sound like regina. I could hardly keep a straight face!!

I recently heard about some people with the surname Viox. One "X".

But I would rather have that name than Cialis. Some people with that name sued the drug company (unsuccessfully, of course) to have the name charged and that was why its launch was delayed by about a year.

My mom was a schoolteacher so she has heard a lot of strange names also. The funniest was Budweiser!!:jester:

Oh, almost forgot this one. Pt from Vietnam, barely spoke English. Had twin boys. Named them Tomson and Johnson after the MD and CRNA (last names). We tried to explain that these are usually last names, but she insisted on them! Also just had a Satchel (Dad was a baseball fan). If my cousin would have had a boy, wanted to name him Troy Michael Emmit (then last name) after Dallas Cowboy players! He has 2 dogs named Ruben and Sierra (after the ex Tx Ranger!) Don't you love Talladega (sp?) Nights with Will Ferrell? The boys are named Walker and Texas Ranger!!!!!

My grandpa thought I looked like Louis Armstrong when I was born (and I am white....:))

He calls me Satch to this day! I love it!

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