Funny things that pt's say!

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Pt comes in, ask her what brought her in today, she says that MD checked her in the office and then she had some spotting so she thinks that her "mucous cord broke".

Checked a pt, she was 4 cm-primip. Her mother starts having a freak out fit and says that I need to call the doctor right away. I ask why, she says "because all of my babies were born when I was only dilated to 5 cm." BTW, pt ended up with c section for failure to progress at 8 cm several hours later.

Pt came in at 30 weeks in "labor" for the 6th time in 3 weeks, cervix was thick and closed and she told me that the last time she was in she was crowning when she came in but the nurse pushed the head back in and told her to go home. (cool new treatment for ptl!!):eek:roll BTW, this pt also had c section at full term for failure to progress-I guess whe should push those heads up there more often!

Pt called MD and said that she had some bleeding after she had a BM. MD said that it sounded like some rectal bleeding, maybe from hemmroids and it was a very small amt so she didn't need to worry about it. Pt then said "it isn't coming from that hole, it is coming from, you know the other hole." MD replied "you mean your lady parts." Pt says "well, yeah, I think so, but I'm not sure." Pt had said that it was a little bit of blood on the tissue so MD told her it was probably not a problem, told pt to watch for heavier bleeding and see her in the office on monday (this was a saturday afternoon). The pt said "are you sure?" The MD does not like it when people ask her if she is sure so she said "You don't know your butt from your lady parts and YOU are asking ME if I'M sure?" Pt sent her flowers on monday with a card that said hope you had a good weekend!

Come on, I know that you all have some good ones to share with the rest of us!!!!

haha i absolutely loved the lawn mowing post! thanks for the laugh. next time the doc should write no doing the dishes, laundry, or anything remotely related to house work!!!! ha. thanks for the laugh.

the joys of being a student......i had someone buzz me to there room because the baby sneezed and then they was the one who had a c section because all her friends were:uhoh3:

Don't have any OB stories...just crazy ED stories.........I don't do babies.....they're slippery.....

It's all that babysauce! :lol2:

Specializes in Operating room Scrubbing, Anesthetics,.

not an ob story, but funny none the less. working in male medical. had regular pt, old gentleman. Parkinsons and defaulter on meds. looked like a turtle with wrinkly neck. Alway's wore a floppy sun hat that covered half his face. Was nurse in bed with cot side's. Came in one morning after taking report to find him holding on to cotsides but trembeling so bad that whole bed vibrated. When asked how he was this morning, his dry awnser was: ohh.. just ideling, thank you..

Specializes in OB, Med/surg, PICU.

I am new here but I have a funny one. Pt comes in 35wks and change. I put her on the monitor while I'm getting a history and she shows no ctx in 15-20 minutes. I asked her if she thought she was ruptured.... nope. Contracting? nope. Ask her why she thought she needed to come in and she tells me...

"Well, I'm actually here because all my other babies were born at 35 weeks and this baby, like my last has a 2 vessel cord so I know she's ready to come early too. "

Ooook. So I page her doc and he tells me he'll come in and check her and talk to her since he's still in the building anyway.

He comes up and we go to her room and doc says something along the lines of having 2 babies with SUA is pretty uncommon and did anyone else in her family have it? To which pt pipes in with...

"I don't know for certain, but I think my husband did because he has a funny looking belly button" And proceeds to lift her husband shirt for the room to see his "funny looking" belly button"

THEN, she doesn't stop there. She tells us about her daughters funny looking buttcrack describing, WITH hand gestures what her daughters hind end looked like. Then on to her husbands funny back freckle, how her son is autistic but the doctors won't beleive her and say he's just naughty, etc, etc, etc...

By the time we were all done with THAT doc opens up a new can of whatever by asking her why she's come to the hospital now? She takes the cake with...

Well, my last 2 kids were born at 35-36 weeks so I just figured I'd come in here and y'all could just give me that "plankton" stuff and we could just induce since my husband has the night off from work....

Doc tried to explain to her the issues that come along with 35 weekers and she wouldn't hear any of it because she knew MANY babies born at that gestation who are ALL in the GIFTED programs at school and that SHE knew when she was done "cooking" the baby and that she just knew if we didn't induce right this very moment something would be dreadfully wrong with her baby and then we'd be sorry we didn't listen to her.

She ended up stomping off in a huff, funny belly button man (it really looked pretty normal lol) right behind her...... came back at 41 and change and delivered a healthy baby girl. I wasn't her nurse when she did deliver because I was "incomplete" (I'm guessing incompetent) and when she came in, in LABOR a couple weeks ago I sent her home leaking amniotic fluid which she's been leaking in a constant stream since....

Funny since they ruptured her at 8 cm............

Just bookmarking this..........these are funny

Specializes in CCRN, ICU, ER, MS, WCC, PICC RN.

had a patient real jacked up on Dilaudid the other day say "You look just like my sister. She's fat." Later she said, "I just can't get over how much you look like my sister." I replied, "You mean the fat one?":trout:

I had a pt come in with labor pains the other night. We were getting her admitted and I realized that the woman that she was with was coaching her on her breathing. The patient informed me after a contraction that this woman was her "Doodie."

I asked the patient if she meant doula. She agreed that I was correct.

I guess our local health dept has hired doulas to help at risk clients on state aid. I think it is a great plan, but I am not sure if I would want to be known as the Doodie!:lol2:

Specializes in OB.

These are so funny! Well, here are a couple off the top of my head:

Had a FOB tell me he was sure his wife was in labor, afterall, she is 4 cm dilated. When I asked how he knew she was 4 cm, he said, "Because I checked her and I could get 4 fingers in." :smackingf

Had another patient who was having issues with breastfeeding for the first time. I entered the room to find dad standing beside the bed. Dad says, "Can we get a bottle? She doesn't have anything in there.(Points at girlfriend's breasts) I started to open my mouth to start my "She has colostrum, the milk will come" speel, but before I could get anything out, he says, "I just sucked on them for a good five minutes and couldn't get anything out." :stone I turned and got them a bottle. :imbar I was just glad I hadn't walked in a few minutes sooner!

Just when you think you've heard or seen it all...:lol2:

I had a patient come in for an induction the other night and said "I want an enema." I told her that this isn't something that we normally do anymore, and we will have to ask her Dr. for an order. Then I asked her if there was a reason that she wanted the enema. She said,

"My friend's baby had alot of problems when she swallowed Her poop."

I didn't know that if I gave mom an enema we could avoid this problem.

:lol2:Meconium Happens?

Specializes in L&D/Antepartum, Neuro.

Hi newbie here but I have a couple for you. I had one patient's husband call to update their family and tell them she's already 5 inches dilated! We had another pt walk into triage sure that her water broke because she tasted it! :barf01:

Specializes in Labor, PP, Nsy.

We had a multip come in with her 3 year old son and precipitously deliver. As the pt was screaming her head off, one of the other nurses took the little boy out of the room for some juice and crackers. After the pt. delivered, we brought the boy back in the room to see his new baby sister to which he responded...

"Mama, where you get that white baby from?"

The pt was african american.

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