You Know You're A Nurse If...

Nurses Humor


You know you're a nurse if...

You've been telling stories in a restaurant and had someone at another table throw up.

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Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.
i read that as "dog" (not "dogs") and when i saw "both pooped" on the walk, i thought you meant the dog and the husband! :eek:

nope, my husband hardly ever poops while he walks our dogs!!:rotfl: we have an older dog and we recently added his puppy nephew. we have one boy on stool softeners prn while our baby dog has mushy hard to pick up stools sometimes. sharpei are descended from mastiffs and they grow very rapidly. he weighed 19# at the end of february, almost 30 # ten days later, and he weighed 48.5#

two days ago at the vet's. he isn't fat, they just grow very quickly. it can be a struggle sometimes to get enough puppy food into him to allow him good growth but not so much that he gets the runs.

sometimes i wish canine poop weren't such a main topic of conversation around here!:rolleyes:

mannie is tan and ollie is black.

You know for a fact that if anyone wanted to torture you for information, that all they need to do is stick you in a room with a beeping IV pump that you couldn't turn off.

Just stick me in a room with an awake toddler on continuous pulse ox.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Just stick me in a room with an awake toddler on continuous pulse ox.

Bahaha! When my then 10 month-old was in the PICU a couple months ago, I felt so badly for our nurses. When he was awake, our room was all alarms, all the time. And he HATED the pulseox. Completely hated it.

Just stick me in a room with an awake toddler on continuous pulse ox.

Nope I'd I have to say tie me to a desk chair an give all my patients a call bell, my personal He'll!

You know you're a nurse when you dread a visit from your non-compliant, diabetic relative, as the last time he showed up at your door, he had a badly infected foot, and it took two surgeries and a six week stay at our house (with me being the caregiver, of course) until he was able to go home.

...even your old, grubby, yardwork-only shoes are NurseMates or Danskos.

... you get that 2 am call from a worried friend and or relative and don't hang up until you've made them feel better or convinced them to call 911 if it is a true emergancy

If you are changing a dressing on a stage 3 decubitis ulcer and think "that is exactly how i like my steaks!"

You know you are a nursing student when it is the night before the test and you clean your classmates vomit, then go right back to studying and eating your munchies :)

You know you're a nurse when you discover that MEN get UTI from not voiding when needed!

You know you're a nurse when your sisters ALWAYS call to tell you their lab results, BM's, aches pains, and ask you a million questions, and you gently answer all questions!!!:yeah:

Specializes in none.

You're out with boys at a 'Gentlemen Club' and all you can think of, as you see the female dance bump and grind her way across the stage, is "I like to prep that one for surgery!"

Your friends and family send you picture messages on your cell phone and expect a full diagnosis.

Specializes in Cardio-Pulmonary; Med-Surg; Private Duty.
Your friends and family send you picture messages on your cell phone and expect a full diagnosis.

Heck, I'm only a nursing STUDENT and a coworker's boyfriend will take pics and text them to her and say, "show this to brillohead and see what she thinks"! :rolleyes:

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