What are you doing summer break?

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Neuroscience.

3 more days until summer break.

I am going to cook real meals that do not come from a box and require some time and skill. I'm going to read fun books, and I hope to finish Game of Thrones (the books, not the tv series). I am going to teach my son how to play monopoly. Finally, I'm going to swim. I've missed swimming.

What are your plans?

Specializes in psych/dementia.

Having a baby :) Cleaning my house. Studying past semester work. Starting and finishing breaking bad. Just a couple goals I have!

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

I'm taking classes towards the BSN in the summer. The more I do now, the less I have to do later :)

Taking classes until late July, working, and spending as much time as possible with my boyfriend before I start my first semester of NS. Not much of a break but hey, I'll make the best of it :)

I'm going back to my CCA job working nights (looking forward to only working 13 times a month instead of Monday to Friday.) Read, go to the beach, play with my kids, run more.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Study for NCLEX


Have surgery

Start the job I've been offered

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, missmollie:

An approximate 10 day break where I'll be catching up with friends, family, and relaxing. Then comes 12 credits of summer classes not including several free coursera.org classes.

Thank you.

Specializes in Cardiac, ER, Pediatrics, Corrections.

Taking NCLEX!! :)

Specializes in Trauma ICU.

No break until 1st of June. Will spend most of the time at home studying for exams. Thinking about visiting NYC for a week.

Specializes in ICU.

So I just have one class to take over the summer. But it's college algebra so yuk!!! But I am going to Hawaii!! Yay me!! So that will be my main focus.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Stats yuck I've put it off as long as I could

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