Does anybody know anybody that has been pregnant in nursing program?

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Does anybody know anyone who has been pregnant in the nursing program? If so did they go through with the program or dropped?

A classmate was due right around now, during our 2 week break between quarters (4 a year). She was going to come back and continue on without skipping, however she went into labor very early, so her son was born early and was pretty sick, several weeks in NICU. Last I had heard, she was going to return this upcoming quarter, but have will be a quarter behind me now since she has to re-do last q.

I've known quite a few. I only know 1 who gave birth during school. 2nd semester. She had her baby on Thursday and was in clinical on Monday :o The rest I know gave birth shortly after school was done.

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

I've known one so far. She had her baby around the time she was taking her final courses before graduation. Ended up failing a class (in addition to being pregnant and then having the baby, she also worked night shift part-time up until the month she delivered), but retook over the summer and passed. What I learned was that it can be done, but it will probably be hellish at times. Everything seemed to slow down for my friend after the baby - graduating, passing NCLEX, finding a job as an RN. She handled it very well, but I know she was exhausted and stressed out for a good chunk of time.

Sure. One of my buds got married over spring break and had a terrific honeymoon...and they got a little careless with their contraception on the beach. Their daughter became our class mascot for the next three years (traditional 4-year bachelor's program). I had another grad school classmate who had a C-section on Friday and was back in class on Monday, but she was nuts. I started grad school with a 6-week-old and finished defending my thesis pregnant with her little brother. It can be done, but you need to plan on how to manage.

Has anyone ever had twins or baby right before starting a nursing program? How did you manage your time? When did you study?.did you also work part time?

Specializes in L&D.

I did not have a newborn or twins (wow), but I did have a 3 year old when I started nursing school. I can tell you right now that having a 3 year old is not easy during nursing school. He's four now, and it is getting easier since we have a routine now and he's getting more and more independent....but I can't imagine having two newborns or one newborn at the beginning of nursing school. If you do this, it is definitely doable....however, you *need* support from your SO. It would also help you out a TON if you had other family members besides your SO helping out. Newborns are a lot of work...I still remember clearly from 4 years ago. ;) Good luck with everything and let us know how it goes! I'm on your team. I'm a mommy, too.

Specializes in ICU.

It can be done. I have frequently seen women having babies throughout nursing school. My sister had a baby the first week of her 3rd semester (had baby on Friday, back in class on Tuesday). Not ideal, but can be done. Of course the more support people you have in your life, the better off you will be. It won't be easy, but it can be done.

Specializes in ICU.

I forgot to add that my sister already had a 10 month old, so it was almost like having twins.

Specializes in Skilled Rehab.

Wow I can't imagine a new baby in nursing school, I was young when I had my 1st and getting up every two hours with a new born was the worst. I'm sleep deprived now in school and add a baby to that mix and I think I would loose my mind. My daughter is 13 and I thought it would be easy but the catty girl drama is worse now than I remember when I was that age. I agree a SO and strong support system are going to be really important. If you think you can do it then go for it you can do anything you put your mind to.

While I was not in nursing school yet I had a baby while taking prerequistes (AP, micro, and Psych Human growth and dev) and did ok on all of my classes. My other son was 14 months at the time and there were nights that I averages 2-3 hrs of sleep but I made it through. If you set your mind to something it can be done.

I do not have children (yet), but I recently got married. So, I am just curious... How did your teachers react to those of you (or those you know) who had a baby mid-semester? Were they understanding? Accommodating in any way? Or didn't care? Did your school give you any option for leave of absence? Was it hard going straight back to class only days after the baby is born? If it were me I would probably miss my baby too much!

I do not have children (yet), but I recently got married. So, I am just curious... How did your teachers react to those of you (or those you know) who had a baby mid-semester? Were they understanding? Accommodating in any way? Or didn't care? Did your school give you any option for leave of absence? Was it hard going straight back to class only days after the baby is born? If it were me I would probably miss my baby too much!

That is going to depend entirely on your school and program. For us, you would have the option for a leave, but it means you're out a year (so if you step out during fall, you can pick up the following fall and you're now a year behind).

Personally, I would NEVER choose to have a kid during school. Having a baby while taking your pre-reqs is hard enough, but during nursing school? Its 4x worse. My winter semester started (just for pre-reqs) when my youngest was 8 days old. You don't ever get that time back with your baby, and it goes by SO fast.

Is it doable? Yes. But if you have a choice, make a choice. School first, or kids first, but I would never advocate for doing them together.

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