R.N.'s Vs L.P.N.'s

Nurses General Nursing


Why do some RN's (not all) think that they are better than LPN's?

It's like they don't think LPN's are "real nurses".

A little less talk and a lot more action...

Pass the bottle my way please...:)

oh why bother...

when you're done with that bottle pass it on this way.

love the avatar BMS4 where'd you find that?

Here's the tequila paula, i left you the worm.......

Guys..why do all the doctors think they are better than me?? I mean, they only had a LITTLE more training..... :sniff:

Yes we all know Rn's have more education. Some have alittle more and some have alot more, and I respect them for that. I've worked with all kinds of Rn's....ADN, BSN, and even some with a MSN. No one thought they were better than the next because we all worked together for the welfare of the pt. What I have found working with those who think they are better, is their attitudes suck! Hence making them THINK they are better than anyone else. For those RNs I have ignored their attitudes and did my job the best I knew how so they couldn't come back to me and be a critic. If they like you, you're fine. If not, you're in trouble and those who don't like you generally turn out to be your bullies who will do everything in their power to get you to resign, or to transfer to another unit. One I worked with was an alcoholic and later died...Sad to say, but no one misses her... that's how bad she was to other nurses.

Specializes in ICU.

It's almost St. Paddy's....a round of Bailey's is on me!

Thanks! I'll have a white russian...................

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Dear Lord:So far today,I'm doing alright.I have not gossiped,lost my temper,been greedy,grumpy,selfish or nasty.I have not gossiped,cursed, whined or eaten chocolate.However,I am going to get out of bed in a minute,and will need alot more help then.Amen

Added by me: However, I am going to go on Allnurses.com...and will need a whole lot more help then:chuckle

Sipping my Shirely Temple..praying for divine intervention...hoping I don't puke first.

Make mine a frozen colada, please.

(RN, former LPN, former CNA, former unpaid hospital volunteer)

ThirdWorldGirl, here's the link. Enjoy. :)


Thanks Walmart_ADN, you're the best drinker partner ever. :D


Party on, my friend.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

OK - you all made me feel a lot better :chuckle . (Going out to have a margarita now :)).

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