What's the weirdest baby name?

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Hi, I was wondering about some of those weird names that you've probably encountered in L&D and PP. I remember when I had my maternity rotation a couple of weeks ago, one of the nurses said she remembers a patient that named her child Placenta. I couldn't believe it that some child has to live his life named after disgusting afterbirth!

3571 Answers

Can't say it was a 'weird' name, per se....but one name that I have had at least 2 pts. name their kid was 'precious.' Now, some people may think that's endearing or whatever, but to me it sounds like a name you'd give your poodle or a stripper.


I know of a child that goes to school with my children by the name of "Troubles". How sad is that? I wonder what that mom was thinking.

Specializes in Psych, hospice, family practice.

In our local paper, there's a 'cute baby contest' or something (although I can't figure out what cute has to do with it, cause the winner is decided by whoever gets the most money contributed).

Anyway, one baby's name was 'Knowledge'. Well, at least that would be more of a self esteem booster than 'Troubles' I reckon.

My daughter went to school in her prep year with

Sapphire, Crystal, Jade and a pearl

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Nefertitia....It was really hard for me to pretend to like it or even pass it off as interesting when the proud teenaged mom asked me if I liked it.....Actually, the entire name was Nefertitia Fertile(middle not last)...I remember asking if she had any other choices so I could make a comparison but she shook her head and told me it was the only one she liked...Sometimes you just have to let it go....:)

Specializes in Geriatrics.

My girlfriend told me about a couple that named their kid "Blue" because that was the colour he was when he came out...

Specializes in ER.

Mahogany Love

The product of a teen pregnancy with a really mushy dramatic mom.

Specializes in OB.

I know of one boy named Tyrannus Rex (yes,spelled that way) and one poor little girl named Tittianna - can you imagine the teasing in school?

Specializes in NICU.

Montserrat, for a girl.

Nice, I suppose, but she was in the NICU and someone made her a cute name sign. At first glance it looked like "Monster rat"

Nothing totally bizarre, just lots of stuff I couldn't even spell to post here.

However, the entire time I was pregnant, my hubby stated that if it was a girl, he wanted to name her "Content". (as in happy, satisfied). :eek:


Okay, the lady who was in the room with me when I had my older daughter named her son Country Joe.

My hubby does social security disability and he SWEARS that he PERSONALLY has seen people named Lemonjello and Orangejello (pronounced le-mohngello and or-ahngello). I don't know.

My daughter has a friend named Orion. All I can say is that his parents were way cooler than we were!

Oh! And I took care of a lady in her 80's whose name was Lola Dimples. Can you imagine? I told her she must have been the cutest baby in the world to have been named that!!!



Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

A couple we know named their sixth child PATIENCE, with that spelling too. They found out they were expecting their sixth child just before he left for Saudi Arabia back in 1990. The woman had to single handedly take care of her pregnant self and five children the entire nine months of her pregnancy. She said she needed LOTS of Patience which is why she decided to name their baby girl Patience. Isn't that the sweetest thing! :)

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