How much do you make and how much is the average and/or median house price in your city?
I live in California. Many people talk about how much people make in California and think this is the land of the rich. I live in a rural area which has high house prices compared to what people make. Granted, the average house price has come down in the recession, the average house listing price for homes for sale in my town was $403,749 for the week ending Oct 07; with a median sales price for homes in my town from Jul 09 to Sep 09 of $232,175. I've started out at $29.80 which includes my $3.00 NOC differential. My husbands cousin just bought a house in Michigan and their mortgage payment is less than our rent! Which got me wondering what the average income is for an RN there...and then I thought; what is the average income for an RN vs house prices throughout the country?