YOUR 3 hardest areas of nursing school

Nurses General Nursing


Hello everyone!

What was your THREE HARDEST AREAS of Nursing school ?

With this I will prepare myself-

Thank you!!


Specializes in Med surg.

To Mattsmom and EricTAMUCC-

Thank you!

Thank you!

Seasons Greetings to all- i am learning do much from all of you-

Thanks to all who share their knowledge and experience!!


:) :)

I did not read all the replies, but I will. I had my three answers pronto:

1. Arranging classes and work so my last semester I could just go to school. I worked my butt off during the easier semesters, saved, cancelled cell phone, cable, etc... So, ask which semesters are the hardest and plan your strategy around that. You must devote your time to what you are working for. Think about it, it's what you want. In the end, all your sacrifices will pay off. Yep, your friends will think you fell off the planet because you just don't call anymore.... it happens!

2. Trying to read the textbooks like I would read my favorite novels, non-fiction or whatever. I had to learn to get into it. Most of the stuff you have to read is sooooooooo dry... It's hard to get into it.

3. This last thing I learned was after a couple of semesters. Organize your notes early. FROM DAY ONE. Figure out your plan. Save everything. You will need it all. I didn't do it and fished through boxes of stuff to find that one piece of information that just eluded me.

The clinicals were great, everything was great. Another hard thing is to realize that being a truly dedicated student, your instructors will pay more attention to you and that is a good thing. Don't be intimidated. Grab every single morsel they offer and don't take their criticism personallly. You paid them to make you successful.... they're going to do what they can to make you succeed.

Best of wishes to you!

Originally posted by Sunshine78

Oh no- I am Not a morning person NOR a coffee drinker- any tips?

Me either. Since fluids and electrolytes are so important, I have found a great thing to drink in the morning to get yourself going (way better than coffee) is a sports drink, like gatorade or powerade. It will help to hydrate you (especially in winter) after a nights sleep. That hydration will help wake you up. The bit of sugar helps too.
Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Actually reading the text books was probably the hardest thing. On class days I would drag myself to the library to read.

It's a wonder I never got whiplash from trying to stay awake while reading. :)

Specializes in Peds ER.

Chemistry by far has been the hardest. Peds/OB was hard but I really enjoyed it. I stopped reading every sentence in every chapter and I have aquired a new speed reading technique this last semester and my test grades have gone way up. A fellow classmate taught me this and it has helped alot. Good luck!

med-surg all that pathophysiology and my instructors were hard.

psyche- we did these things called process recordings. I never got good grades on them- if you were creative and understood the concepts you could make up the whole conversation you had with the psyche patient

practical exams also called skills tests- when you had to demonstrate how to properly do things like sterile dressing change, medication administration, insert a foley in the nursing lab on the the mannequins with your instructor scrutinizing your every move.

Originally posted by batmik

med-surg all that pathophysiology and my instructors were hard.

psyche- we did these things called process recordings. I never got good grades on them- if you were creative and understood the concepts you could make up the whole conversation you had with the psyche patient

practical exams also called skills tests- when you had to demonstrate how to properly do things like sterile dressing change, medication administration, insert a foley in the nursing lab on the the mannequins with your instructor scrutinizing your every move.

Amen to the above statements.

Especially if ur patient is in a depressive mood - it's so hard to get something out....this is a good practice for would be creative writers!

i loved praticals tho...i enjoyed it...

patho always sucks...

it makes me crazy

esp. the fluid and lytes


Writing care plans


Originally posted by Sunshine78

Hello everyone!

What was your THREE HARDEST AREAS of Nursing school ?

With this I will prepare myself-

Thank you!!


That's easy...The "THREE HARDEST AREAS" are the beginning, middle, and end of nursing school. Heck I'll even offer reasons. Beginning because it's new and you have no idea what to expect from the program and instructors. Middle because this is where the stuff starts to get detailed--endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal, OB, peds, etc, etc. End, because you just want to get the heck out of there and start practicing what you learned during the beginning and middle and end. It's pretty darn hard at times getting motivated to do what you have been doing for 1.5 yrs when you are |
Specializes in Med surg.

Thanks for the insight everyone-

and psychRn, the smile.

Thank you!!

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.

Hardest part? Paying off the student loans! Still chipping away at them 5 years later...:o

I just graduated in May, and when I had clinical it was at 6:30, we had to wear "whites". Our uniforms had to be clean (free of blood and other debris when coming to clinical) I never went out of my way to iron my scrubs or anything. As for not being a morning person, I do not know what to tell you, for as I don't even know myself. I am not a morning person; I would like to be. I try to go to bed earlier at night, but that just doesn't seem to work sometimes. However, I managed nursing school; it was only 2 days a week for clinicals.

As far as what classes are easier or harder, totally depend on the person. I like microbiology class, but hated lab. I loved A&P lab, pathophysiology. My favorite clinical was probably maternity (not L&D, but post-partum) Hated med-surg with a passion; no offense to med-surg nurses; you are great; just the hosptial i worked at turned me off. You will find your strong and weak points as you pursue school. Good luck!


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