what is the youngest mi that you have seen

Nurses General Nursing


Just curious. How old was the youngest mi that you have seen. It seems like they are coming younger and younger. :o

I'm very sorry to hear about your daughter. I have a 19 year old son I would be devestated.

I'm so sorry, Julie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter.

Thank you very much, both of you for your thoughts and prayers.

I appreciate it.

And I know somewhere, down deep in the recesses of her heart, my daughter does too.

Just curious. How old was the youngest mi that you have seen. It seems like they are coming younger and younger. :o

13 years old. he had a massive mi at his school, air lifted to st louis and died next day. he was from a small town in illinois and no known cardiac problems

Specializes in ICU.

Julie (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) Hard to be a mother when your child hurts themselves.

My youngest athrosclerotic MI 19 yo IDDM. She died last week of a CVA at 36 years old. She had bilateral blockages of the internal carotids - inoperable.

Specializes in rehab, antepartum, med-surg, cardiac.
24 year old female.

OD'd on alcohol, ibuprofen and cocaine. She survived, but has damage to her heart and her kidneys are 80 years old. Sad. Very sad.

This just happened the beginning of this month. She's my daughter. :stone

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, too. My thoughts are with you.

Sooo sorry to hear of everyones' personal loss, you forget how it hit's home sometimes, when this is what you do every day.

17yr. old, went to OR for setting of broken humerous, had undiagnosed severe cardiomyopathy. coded under anesthesia (due to her age, never did CXR as pre-work up). She was sent to duke on IABP for LVAD and work up for heart transplant.

24 yr. old firefighter, bit by black willow spider, showered clots to his RCA and CIRC, recovered well after thrombolytics and plasty,,

plus your usual mix of coke users, with all their junkie friends visiting going "oh man, he looks bad". No crap, you're next I would respond

10 years old. my daughter with multiple accessory pathways, WPW, SVT, on digoxin. in ER for Adenosine/cardioversion 2x month minimum for 2 years before the MI.

had radio frequency ablation after MI. 18 years old now and has PVC's which the MD states doesn't need treating.

24 year old female.

OD'd on alcohol, ibuprofen and cocaine. She survived, but has damage to her heart and her kidneys are 80 years old. Sad. Very sad.

This just happened the beginning of this month. She's my daughter. :stone

SO VERY SORRY God be with you both

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