Young Nursing Students

Nursing Students General Students


We here all about nursing students who are going back to school and making nursing a second career for themselfs. I have a HUGE respect for these ladies and gents'!

What about us young nursing students? I think we have our own set of trials to go through. I am the youngest student in my college (pre-reqs) (due to awesome high school early admission). I do not look that young for my age but when people here I want to be a nurse they are very surprised!

Whats your story?

I'm not sure which category I would fall into but I am 22 years old....which is young in some sense i know. But along with that I have 2 wonderful Daughters that are 2 and 3. They ar emy world and I would do anything for them. I will be almost 24 when I graduate with my LPN classes and plan to continue to my RN degree. I am also divorced....I know I know alot and only 22...but it all happens for a reason. Without the experiences and pressures I've been through I wouldn't even be thinking about going to school. I am mainly going (not only for myself) but for my daughters. I want them to know that no matter what hurdles you have in your way you can do anything you set your mind to. But for the young students and graduates: Great job and keep up the good work! It will all be worth it in the end. Just keep your mind in the right place and you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams!!:up::D

My hat goes off to you!:yeah: I will be 22 in 2 days and am currently in my first semester of my LPN program. I am one of the younger students in my class, but thankfully, everyone is respectful of each other. I am also married with a 3 year old and one on the way. I know that's hard to digest since I look like I am about 16 (LoL) but I am an adult. A hard-working, determined one at that. God-willing, I will be an LPN at 22, August, 2010 and hopefully an RN at 23, the following year. Congratulations to everyone for getting this far, I wish you all the best!

I start next Fall and I'm 20 so I'll be about 22 when I graduate with my BSN. I'm not the youngest though but I think my program is half and half. Some are over 30 and a lot of us are in the 20-25 range (I still consider 25 to be young for nursing). I think my advantage is that since I still live at home (rent free) I don't have to worry about working during nursing school which I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. My family is very supportive in that they want me to just focus on school and get A's. I'm also really bad at looking at people and trying to estimate how old they are lol, everyone looks pretty young to me and I look young to everyone. A lot of my classmates always ask if I'm a freshman because I don't look a day over 17. I think I just naturally surround myself around people older than me anyway though.

Specializes in Subacute/Rehab, Surgical.

I believe I am one of the youngest in my class that is graduating in December. I'm only 22. Most of the others are older, have a family or married. I'm the baby of the group!

I just got my acceptance letter for the Nursing Program last week. I'm the youngest person that was accepted for the Winter semester start. I'm only 19 years old. My school does not have a waiting list, 40 students get in in the Fall && then 40 get in, in the Winter. My first year was spent doing Pre-reqs, I have a 4.0gpa. My first semester of NS starts in January && I'll be done 18 months after that, then my school just got a Bachelor program for Nursing (Which is online), so I plan on doing that && then going to get my Masters for Nurse Anesthetist...

My school uses a point system, I'm not sure if other schools do that or not. The points go by gpa, not dropping classes, not retaking classes, and not transfering credits in, and the HESI enterance exam score... I think there was 28 points possible, I got 27/28 because I did not drop classes or retake any and because I did not transfer credits in. I know that there was 200 students that applied for Winter with me...

Most of the people that were accepted with me are older and are going back to school because of the economy...

Well, I finally just turned 19 and one month left of the first semester!

Well I would have to say that I fit right in with this group as I am 23 and getting ready to be in my last semester of nursing school. However that being said I definitely don't feel 23. I had my son when I was 16, finished high school, took a year off from school, went to college and here I am now... four years later. I don't feel as smart as some of you all with your 4.0 and all :D because I spent some time retaking classes but hey life is hard and I haven't given up yet. Congrats to all the younger ones. You will be great nurses. Congrats to all the older ones too. You all will be great nurses as well. I say that because everyone really sounds interested in actually being a nurse, not just getting the paycheck. (Thats because when I was takin pre-req classes one of the girls could only talk about how much she was going to make and I was just praying that if they let her in, they would let me in too!) I did get in and sadly she didn't. Nursing school is exhausting but I love it and I am in awe of the older nursing students. I am engaged but with the help of my fiancee' and my mom, my responsibility load is as light as it can be with a 6 year old. One of the girls in my class had her husband file for divorce right in the middle of nursing school so.... Good luck to us all! :heartbeat

Yes I had so much support as far as my nursing education path goes. I have been with an amazing guy since I was 15 and he was always so encouraging and supported me financially, emotionally, anything I could ask for all during college. My public school system offered vocational courses for those interested in healthcare, otherwise I never would have earned my CNA, especially for FREE! I also never would have had the sense to get started with the community college if my school didn't offer the opportunities that they did. There are so many young college students in my area just because of the programs that high schools have set up with community colleges these days.

Ya know, it took me quite a few years to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. I'm not super old (28), but it's taken me this long to get the nursing school thing rolling.

I think it's great when young students know the path they want to take and can tackle nursing school. And if the "older" ones nitpick, it's probably just because they're jealous they didn't do it sooner! :heartbeat :specs:

I'm 20. Half of the people in my nursing class are traditional students and the other half are non-traditional. I think the teachers definitely favor the non-traditional students.

Specializes in Psychiatry.
I think the teachers definitely favor the non-traditional students.

Sure, nursing school was a BREEZE for me because I was almost 40 when I graduated!! :eek: All that special treatment...

I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just mean non-traditional students seem to be more mature and focused. In our class the younger kids were always goofing off and coming late/leaving early. On the other hand, the non-traditional students were sitting quietly and always ready to learn.

I dont really fall in either category. Im not old and Im not young, im just living life and hating school.

this is sooooooooooooooooooooooo me this past semester........:sniff:

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