Published Jan 31, 2008
2 Posts
I just wanted to share my story to give some people some encouragement that they too can see success after seeing failure multiple times. So here is my story:
I got cleared to take the Nclex the first time in Jan of 06 (yep 2 yrs ago). At the time I knew totally nothing about studying for the test and took it and got 265 questions and failed. The second time I took it, it was basically a repeat performance of the first. 265 questions ...close but no cigar.
Like many students going through school I could never see past graduation and was not prepared to study correctly. I also waited too long after graduation. I recently read some research that the people who design the Nclex did. In their research it said that graduates who study from 21 to 33 days after graduation have the highest pass rate--- somewhere around 90%. I waited 5+ months and had no clue what I was doing. Then I got discouraged like many and kept jumping from one idea of studying to the next.
What made the difference? Honestly, Suzanne's Nclex Study Plan. I know that sounds like a shameless plug but it is the truth. The second thing was a never quit attitude and a positive outlook. As you can imagine I went through some rocky times in the last 2 years emotionally but you have to believe in yourself. When you go in there to sit and take the exam it will only be you and what you know and believe. Near the end of Suzanne's plan I had something I lacked going into the other times I took the exam--- confidence.
On Tuesday Jan 29th, I arrived at the testing center feeling different than any other time. I knew I had put in the effort to pass and had confidence in myself to pull it off. I was taking the exam and planned to take a break at question 76 if the computer did not cut off. Well question 76 never showed up. When it cut off I nearly got emotional. Could it be that I was well above the passing standard? I left there feeling good about what I did and knew I did my absolute best. Today I used the quick results and it simply said pass.
I did it. After 2+ years (3 yrs you become ineligible in my state) and 2 failures I passed with 75 questions.
Lastly, I just wanted to encourage anyone who has ever failed this test. It was one of the most frustrating and mentally trying times of my life. If I can pass it, so can you. Each one of you didn't make it through nursing school to not be a nurse. Stay positive, believe in yourself, and put every ounce of effort that you have into building your confidence for test day. Then you will be successful. If you haven't tried Suzanne's plan it was the most comprehensive plan that I found (did Kaplan, Lippencott, etc).
147 Posts
Very Inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story, advice and most importantly your support!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
What a great post, congrats on finally making it
32 Posts
that is a very inspiring story. I graduated 12/06 and took it 5 times. My confidence level has gone down. I feel that i will NEVER pass boards. I feel really stupid and feel overwhelm with so much I need to know. i have merely tried everything in the book-kaplan, hurst. i am doing suzanne's plan right now. I am starting her 2nd tip and will not be testing until end of March (this will be my 6th time and hopefully mine last time). all my friends have passed and are working full time. worst to come, they dont even call to see how i am doing with boards.
what make suzanne's plan so different and unique from kaplan, hurst and/or any other review courses that you have tried? how did you study for pharm section. that is my weakest area. any suggestions/notes would be great.
the last time i took boards, i had 218 questions, ran out of time and had all near passing. I keep thinking would i ever pass boards? now, i am 0% that I will never pass boards.
any suggestion or tips would be appreciated.
If eel like "down in the dumps"
71 Posts
hi mimidragon... i too feel your pain... i am hoping to retest for the 3rd time in late feb/early march... i am at my all time low... but this week i decided to pick myself back up and get on w my studying...i can only grieve for so long.. i was actually depressed and i didnt even kno bc i went out and partied w my friends to cope! so now here i am.. bills pilling up and husband is also gettin stressed... so i will back in full effect starting next week.. lets keep our spirits up and wut other place than this forum! keep your head up!
84 Posts
Thank you Goldwinger for your inspiring story! I too find myself losing confidence as every day passes. You have given me inspiration that you can pass the NCLEX no matter how many years ago you graduated. Thanks again and good luck in your nursing career :cheers:
Mimidragon- There are a couple of reasons why I think that Suzanne's plan is best:
1. It was created for foreign non-english speakers to pass the NCLEX or students who have been out of school for like 16-18 months.. If you look at Kaplan's plan they dont guarantee you passing after a certain time (not that Suzanne's does). Its just I did a week of Kaplan prior to my first time testing, when I left there I felt like it was a waste of time and money. You can have strategy for the test down, but if you do not have your content knowledge brushed up and know your weaknesses you will still be guessing.
2. I did alot of research after I failed the second time and when I was done this was the program I thought best fit what I needed, which was total content testing and review. With the end of it focusing on the testing part. The NCLEX is a computer test so how can you neglect doing a tremendous amount of computer test questions.
3. It had a system, an exact system. You do A, then do B. Then you have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. The practice you get is what made me confident. When I sat to test for the third time I had done roughly a minimum of 5000 nclex questions and tested by content to know my weaknesses. I found the way the NCLEX results categorizes failure to be very vague at best. When you get your failing results back and it says Near Passing Standard ...exactly what do you study? That was my dilemma, the NCLEX does not tell you what you missed so you need to test yourself and find out what you are lacking.
4. This one may sound funny- it was free. When people say they want to help you pass the NCLEX but put a price on it, their main goal is profit, not you passing (now of course I understand they want you to pass). I spent $500 or so on Kaplan then failed...spent $0 well ($40 for the book) on Suzanne's program and passed with flying colors. Nothing against Kaplan or any other program but they didn't work for me, others they have.
5. (I may be wrong on this) but isn't Suzanne- Suzanne Smeltzer? If so she helped co-author my Med-Surg books. Enough said.
I truly believe in her program and I'm proof that it can work for someone who has failed multiple times and has been out of school for 2.5 years. Although I had to change my negative attitude along the way first, It gave me the needed confidence to sit and truly believe I was ready and do my best. When I left there I knew I did my best pass or fail. For me to go from failing twice to passing with 75 questions is a huge turn-around in my opinion. You guys can do it too!
You must first believe then the rest is just hard work and preparation.
"Luck is where hard work meets opportunity"
"He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality."
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I am a different Suzanne and have never written any nursing books.
Just to clear the air about this.
216 Posts
Thank u so much Goldwinger!
Your post makes me back on track again. A week ago I started to have a mild depression mainly because of a fight with my disrespectful stepdaughter (I feel so bad to be in a dysfunctional family) so I suddenly took a break for awhile from doing the 1st Tip..I am already done with half of the Saunder's book and I am still trying so hard to get me back on track again and concentrate (oh it's so hard for me to concentrate because i'm soo busy taking care of my 7 month old baby plus my 5 year old son plus doing household chores plus the emotional issues with my stepdaughters..whew feel like im in a roller coaster)
Anyways, your post helps me a lot today..thanks again.
50 Posts
What an inspiration story Goldwinger!
I've cried reading your story. I am in the same situation as you graduated 2 years ago (June 06) and still trying to pass NCLEX RN exam. I did tried everything out their too like Kaplan class, NCSBN, and private tutor cost so much but still nothing has done to pass. I feel very depressed at times and just wanted to quit. But after reading your story, you gave me inspiration to stand up and study for it again. YOu have said that proven 100% on Suzanne plan. I am going to go with her plan then. It's free. Since I'm broke now lol.
Thanks for this forum
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