32 years old and ready to switch my career to become a nurse! Am I too old?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've thought and thought and thought again about switching my career. I've chosen to pursue a career in nursing. I am 32 years old, is this too old to switch???? Please comment.

Specializes in PACU.

I agree, I was an LPN for years but went back to get my RN when I was 46, and there was one person in the class (with no nursing background either) that was older then me. Lots of people over the age of 32. :yes:

You spend too much time at work to not enjoy what you do, that being said I always encourage people to either get their CNA or to shadow a nurse for a while to see if it's something you can see yourself doing. If you've been working as a medical social worker you may already know.

Good Luck and Best Wishes!

Nope, I became an RN at 39 :) I work in acute med-surg and have no problem keeping up with my 23 year old coworkers! Except when I was 40 and in my late 3rd trimester of pregnancy...LOL. I guess I'm a late bloomer!

Hey I'm 33 and I'm starting nursing school in a couple of weeks so yeahhh if you're old then I'm older! I think it's never too old to switch:)

Specializes in Surgical Nursing.

NO NO NO! You're not too late. Listen to this. I'm one year into my prerequisites and 1 more to go. I'm 35 now and I'll be 38 when I finish up my associate's. My mom went back at 59 and got her RN at 63! You can do this, and there's something to be said for the maturity of a woman in her 30's, 40's, and 50's. We've seen more and have been around the block a few more times. That experience usually brings wisdom, and common sense, which are essential nursing skills.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

No, not at all. I became a nurse when I was 37. I am 48 now and going back to school for FNP. When I started nursing school I was pregnant with my first and second kids. Imagine how much fun that was? I actually saw my baby moving inside of my belly in nursing classes! I also used my baby pictures for my mother/baby project.

It is never too late if you put your heart to it.

Specializes in Career changer.

no, age should not be a factor. It's about your passion and what you want to do. I've been pre-nursing for about 7 years now (life happened), and I'm at the stage where I have one more pre-req to go and WHEN I get accepted next year, I'll be 38.

Just focus on your studies and know there are others like you in age and aspirations.

I don't think you're too old at all! I'll almost be 32 when I graduate & then I plan to go back for my masters, so I probably won't be done until I'm close to 40. Go for it!

I'm a 36 year old Sophomore. So no :)

O. M. G. You are a mere child! Yes, yes: Go for it! I'm 50. If I can do it, well, please. Yes, you should.

I just turned 30 this year and I have 3 boys. I was always scared to start because i thoight i was to old. But I'm finally following my dreams! I'm in my 2nd semester and hope to apply to the program this April!

You got this!

Specializes in Emergency.

I am 39, almost 40 and I will graduate at 42. My mother graduated with her ADN at 36, my sister with hers at 45. Go for it! You're way young still :)

I sure hope not -- I'm 35 and just starting on my journey to become a nurse.

I tell myself each day - you got this!

With a positive attitude and A LOT of prayers you can achieve anything!

Best of luck to you!

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