WSSU ABSN Anyone from Winston Salem, NC or familiar with?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello Everyone. This is my first post. I just finished up AP1 and Chemistry pre-reqs. I still have AP2, Micro, and Dev. Psych to take this Fall. I am hoping to get accepted to WSSU's ABSN program for Jan admission. Anyone know someone in the program. What do you know about it. I am trying to get an idea of what life is like for a student ..schedules etc. I am trying to plan in advance for child care and manage my husband's expectations. I look forward to starting the program. I am too excited. Also, my husband keeps asking me what Baptist pays new nurses. I can't seem to find an answer. Anyone know. I try to tell him that, it is really about me finding a fulfilling career, not about the money..but that only gets me so far. (We have been living off his salary for a while.) Any thoughts welcome on WSSU or any ABSN program.

Specializes in Substance Abuse, Mental Health.
WSSU wasn't for me. Not sure how my 4.0 failed me... but so it goes.

Best Wishes to you!

Okay, now I'm really nervous. I plan on applying for Spring 2011 and I'm even enrolling at WSSU this Spring to complete my prerequisites. I would hate to go through all of that and take out a small loan for them to say no. And you had a 4.0???

I did not get in either. They said that it was likely because I am still working on 2 of my science pre-reqs. I will not finish until a few weeks from now with A&P and another science. I hope I hope I have a better chance next year. GenevaMarie, why do you think you did not get in?

How is the program going for everyone that started this January? Keep us informed and Good Luck!

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
Okay, now I'm really nervous. I plan on applying for Spring 2011 and I'm even enrolling at WSSU this Spring to complete my prerequisites. I would hate to go through all of that and take out a small loan for them to say no. And you had a 4.0???

I may be too late but I wouldn't recommend taking your pre req's at WSSU for the accelerated program. Especially considering you have to use loans to pay your tuition. It would be much cheaper and in my opinion more beneficial to go to a community college. Unless they've changed the curriculum, the A&P class is only 3 hours long at WSSU. Most nursing programs require you take a 4 credit hour A&P course, so if you decide to go elsewhere, it may not transfer. I took A&P 1 and 2 at WSSU and the only thing we dissected was a cow's heart and that didn't happen until A&P 2.

Either way, good luck and I hear it's much easier to get accepted into the traditional BSN program at WSSU than the ABSN program although being fully funded by Baptist Hospital is a nice incentive.

Hi everyone :) I'm applying for WSSU's ABSN for 2011 and just wanted to know if I even have a chance at it since nursing is so competitive these days. I will graduate this fall with a BA in Biology with a gpa of about 3.2 give or take. My prereqs are as follow:


Anatomy- B


ChemistryI -A

ChemistryII -B

Dev Psy.-A


Computer Science-A

Should I retake any prereqs? I feel so discouraged because although I try so hard I always end up making B's...and there ain't nothing sweet about it lol

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
Hi everyone :) I'm applying for WSSU's ABSN for 2011 and just wanted to know if I even have a chance at it since nursing is so competitive these days. I will graduate this fall with a BA in Biology with a gpa of about 3.2 give or take. My prereqs are as follow:


Anatomy- B


ChemistryI -A

ChemistryII -B

Dev Psy.-A


Computer Science-A

Should I retake any prereqs? I feel so discouraged because although I try so hard I always end up making B's...and there ain't nothing sweet about it lol

OMG...are you serious? I'd kill for B's in A&P I personally believe you have a great chance of getting into the ABSN program. I seriously doubt everyone accepted had all A's and 4.0 GPA's. Actually I know for a fact they didn't. If you're not accepted into the ABSN program definitely try the traditional BSN program...There's no doubt in my mind you'd get accepted unless of course they prefer students with C's over A's and B's.

Just make sure your A&P will transfer, I know anatomy and physiology are combined at WSSU instead of one semester of anatomy and one semester of physiology you have two semesters of both combined.

I'm applying to the Jan 2011 ABSN program too!

I only have 1 prerequisite to take: A&P II. I'm hoping to enroll in the 2nd summer session at WSSU. I'll probably have to get an override though.

Hello all.

I was wondering if someone can help me. I'm planning on attending WSSU hopefully in Jan 2012. However, WSSU's website is totally not working. Is there anyone who can tell me the pre-req that is needed for the ABSN program at WSSU?

I am hoping to take the pre-req at a community college. If you can list the name of the courses and the courses number, it will really help me alot. I know for sure that I need to take A&P I and II, Statistic, Development Psh., Microbiology, and Chemistry I and II. However, I am not sure exactly what Chemistry does WSSU wants. So yes, if you can tell me the name of the Chemistry courses, that will really help me alot.



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This is what I have listed:

BIO 1331 & 1131 - Microbiology

BIO 2311 - A&P I

BIO 2312 - A&P II

CHE 1311 & 1111 - General Chemistry

PSY 3336 - Developmental Psych

CSC 1306 - Computer Science * I heard some students say that this class is no longer a prerequisite. You should call to confirm *

MAT 2326 - Statistics

This is for anyone that has gotten accepted into the WSSU ABSN program. I need to know if I have a shot of getting into this program. As of now this is where I stand:

I have a Bachelors from NCCU Business with gpa around 2.4.

Between August 2010-December 2011 I will have the following general education course completed with B or higher:




Developmental Psychology

Abnormal Psychology






In 2 weeks I will have completed my CNA I class and start working part time/per diem work.

I also am CPR/AED certified.

What are my chances of getting into the ABSN program at WSSU??

I want to start Spring for Fall 2012.

I took an planning to appy to WSSU ABSN program for Spring 2012. My undergrad GPA is 2.5 so I am very concerned about my chances of being accepted. Let me know if you get any feedback from anyone about our chances.

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