WSSU ABSN Anyone from Winston Salem, NC or familiar with?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello Everyone. This is my first post. I just finished up AP1 and Chemistry pre-reqs. I still have AP2, Micro, and Dev. Psych to take this Fall. I am hoping to get accepted to WSSU's ABSN program for Jan admission. Anyone know someone in the program. What do you know about it. I am trying to get an idea of what life is like for a student ..schedules etc. I am trying to plan in advance for child care and manage my husband's expectations. I look forward to starting the program. I am too excited. Also, my husband keeps asking me what Baptist pays new nurses. I can't seem to find an answer. Anyone know. I try to tell him that, it is really about me finding a fulfilling career, not about the money..but that only gets me so far. (We have been living off his salary for a while.) Any thoughts welcome on WSSU or any ABSN program.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
Yeah, it seems like everyone is trying to go to nursing school now. I really really want to do the program and for them to fund me, but I'm going to be applying to other spring ADN programs as well just in case in doesn't work out. I would prefer to do accelerated but the other ones I looked into (NCCU, Mercy, UNC) don't offer the funding that WSSU does and I refuse to dig myself any further in debt. Regardless, I'm starting somebody's nursing school in January of 2011!!

I don't know if this is true or not but I've heard that Baptist is no longer going to fund the program but Forsth Medical Center may pick it up...Don't know if there is any truth to this but it was told by a former WSSU ABSN graduate.

If you have a relatively high undergrad GPA, UNC does have a similar program. I found some information about a scholarship loan from UNC hospital. You can get up to $36,000 ($9,000 a semester) in exchange for up to 4 years of employment at their facility.

Specializes in Substance Abuse, Mental Health.
i don't know if this is true or not but i've heard that baptist is no longer going to fund the program but forsth medical center may pick it up...don't know if there is any truth to this but it was told by a former wssu absn graduate.

if you have a relatively high undergrad gpa, unc does have a similar program. i found some information about a scholarship loan from unc hospital. you can get up to $36,000 ($9,000 a semester) in exchange for up to 4 years of employment at their facility.

thanks! aw, if that's true, it's kinda sad but i trust god will place me where he wants me to be, i guess. :cry: i actually started off in undergrad at unc, but partied waaaaaay too much. i was there from aug 2000-dec 2001 and left with a gpa that barely touched 2.0 (and that was after a full, intense summer of classes to bring my gpa up). i transfered to uncg and left w/ a 2.8 in 2005. since then, i've had kids, got married and had a taste of the workforce and i'm a million times more focused and goal-oriented. now, i can't get less than a's. i won't allow myself to do so. my troubled unc past will haunt me, i'm afraid. i'll see how my grades turn out in my science classes and take it from there. worse unc can say is 'no' right?

eta: i totally forgot, but according at a newspaper article about wfubmc and wssu, their contract on the absn program was for 5 more years from 2007-2012. so maybe the buzz you're hearing about funding no longer being available is for after 2012 when the contract is up. this is one reason i was trying to get in for spring 2011 before the contract ends.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
thanks! aw, if that's true, it's kinda sad but i trust god will place me where he wants me to be, i guess. :cry: i actually started off in undergrad at unc, but partied waaaaaay too much. i was there from aug 2000-dec 2001 and left with a gpa that barely touched 2.0 (and that was after a full, intense summer of classes to bring my gpa up). i transfered to uncg and left w/ a 2.8 in 2005. since then, i've had kids, got married and had a taste of the workforce and i'm a million times more focused and goal-oriented. now, i can't get less than a's. i won't allow myself to do so. my troubled unc past will haunt me, i'm afraid. i'll see how my grades turn out in my science classes and take it from there. worse unc can say is 'no' right?

eta: i totally forgot, but according at a newspaper article about wfubmc and wssu, their contract on the absn program was for 5 more years from 2007-2012. so maybe the buzz you're hearing about funding no longer being available is for after 2012 when the contract is up. this is one reason i was trying to get in for spring 2011 before the contract ends.

i think you may be right. i remember when i interviewed with hr, they told me they were going to renew their contract with wssu and that was back in 2007. i can totally first semester gpa from ecu was a 1.37. i graduated with a 2.88 (though i've rounded it up a 2.9) and trust took some hard work to bring my gpa up...i'm actually proud of myself inspite of the fact that i didn't have a "competitive" cumulative gpa. my undergrad gpa will continue to follow me but i'm hoping my nursing gpa will supercede it...especially when i apply to either rn-msn or rn-bsn degree programs.

good luck but consider don't necessarily have to have all of your pre-req's completed to get accepted into an adn program. i have people in my nursing class who are just now taking a&p 1 and they are not recent high school graduates. i hear with the absn program at wssu, you're expected to drop everything at the drop of a hat and meet them whenever and whereever you're told to meet them...i.e. clinical sites. just be prepared for whichever route you decide to take. they are both very demanding.

Anyone hear back for acceptance to the Jan 2010 program - WSSU ASBN? I have not yet.

I called and asked when we could expect to hear from them and I was told it would be in October.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
I called and asked when we could expect to hear from them and I was told it would be in October.

I think I got my rejection letter like mid October...Maybe the second week of October last year. I'm assuming they called those who were accepted to schedule an interview with Baptist before then.

Good luck!!!

Hey everyone. Just to clear some stuff up (I'm in the current class graduating in Feb '10). Baptist is still funding people in the class but it is true that not everyone is funded. I believe there are about 8 of 37 that aren't funded in the current class. Also, you should find out if you're accepted in mid to late October. You'll probably only get one letter so hold onto it. Later (as in early January) you'll get further instruction regarding orientation and the likes. If anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up. I'll try and remember to check this more often in the future. Best of luck.

Re: WSSU ABSN Anyone from Winston Salem, NC or familiar with?

Hey everyone. Just to clear some stuff up (I'm in the current class graduating in Feb '10). Baptist is still funding people in the class but it is true that not everyone is funded. I believe there are about 8 of 37 that aren't funded in the current class. Also, you should find out if you're accepted in mid to late October. You'll probably only get one letter so hold onto it. Later (as in early January) you'll get further instruction regarding orientation and the likes. If anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up. I'll try and remember to check this more often in the future. Best of luck.

I am going to take you up on your offer for questions! Did you or any of your classmates have a C in any of the required classes? Did any of your classmates get accepted before their prereqs were done? Do you know what an average GPA for the program is? Also, can you tell me what the interview for funding from Baptist is like? Do you know if the 8 people who are not funded in your class are going to have help from WSSU in finding a job? Can you tell i've been thinking about this for a while?! I appreciate your help.

Specializes in Substance Abuse, Mental Health.
re: wssu absn anyone from winston salem, nc or familiar with?

hey everyone. just to clear some stuff up (i'm in the current class graduating in feb '10). baptist is still funding people in the class but it is true that not everyone is funded. i believe there are about 8 of 37 that aren't funded in the current class. also, you should find out if you're accepted in mid to late october. you'll probably only get one letter so hold onto it. later (as in early january) you'll get further instruction regarding orientation and the likes. if anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up. i'll try and remember to check this more often in the future. best of luck.

i am going to take you up on your offer for questions! did you or any of your classmates have a c in any of the required classes? did any of your classmates get accepted before their prereqs were done? do you know what an average gpa for the program is? also, can you tell me what the interview for funding from baptist is like? do you know if the 8 people who are not funded in your class are going to have help from wssu in finding a job? can you tell i've been thinking about this for a while?! i appreciate your help.


everything she asked! lol

Alright hopefully I'll hit all the questions. I don't know if anyone in my program received a "C" in one of the required pre-requisites. As far as I know they really focus on the GPA of the REQUIRED CLASSES not your overall GPA. I say this because my overall GPA is quite less than stellar but the GPA in the required courses was good and I obviously was accepted. Those that have shared there grades with me have expressed that they did good (A's and B's) in the majority of your required courses. I don't think a "C" in one would automatically exclude you, however I would imagine that the rest of your grades should be pretty high to compensate for it. A lot of people, including myself, were accepted before their prerequisites were completed. I still had 2 courses to complete when I applied for the program. I know many other people were in the same situation as well.

The interview with Baptist was pretty typical. You meet with the director of human resources and she asks a variety of questions including what made you decide to go into nursing? What do you think you can add to the profession? Discuss your strengths and weaknesses? and questions like that. She'll have a copy of your transcript and a criminal record check in front of her and may comment on either during the interview. She is VERY VERY nice and is simply looking for people she thinks will not only succeed in the program, but WANT to work for Baptist and not simply serve their time before leaving.

The accelerated program doesn't necessarily have specific programs in place to help the unfunded students find jobs other than the career center that the main university runs. However, I know teachers have volunteered to write recommendation letters and are open to discussing options that would help them find jobs. Their job is more concerned with giving you the tools necessary to pass the NCLEX and be proficient nurses.

Hope this helps and if you think of any others I'll try to help. Best of luck!

Wow thank you so much for that reply! You addressed all of my concerns. I felt like my chances were very slim before, but now I actually think I might get in. I am currently completing 2 prereqs and have A's in all the other ones except one. Like you, my overall udergrad GPA wasn't so great, but with just the required classes it's pretty good. Again, thanks so much for your response!

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