WSSU ABSN Anyone from Winston Salem, NC or familiar with?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello Everyone. This is my first post. I just finished up AP1 and Chemistry pre-reqs. I still have AP2, Micro, and Dev. Psych to take this Fall. I am hoping to get accepted to WSSU's ABSN program for Jan admission. Anyone know someone in the program. What do you know about it. I am trying to get an idea of what life is like for a student ..schedules etc. I am trying to plan in advance for child care and manage my husband's expectations. I look forward to starting the program. I am too excited. Also, my husband keeps asking me what Baptist pays new nurses. I can't seem to find an answer. Anyone know. I try to tell him that, it is really about me finding a fulfilling career, not about the money..but that only gets me so far. (We have been living off his salary for a while.) Any thoughts welcome on WSSU or any ABSN program.

Sorry, I don't have any insight about WSSU but I wanted to say Hi from a fellow NC gal! :) I live in Clayton which is about 30 minutes east of Raleigh, so a good ways from you, but I used to live in Greensboro for 11 years. I loved it there but my family moved to Raleigh so I followed them. :/ I feel the same way about the salary issue. It's important, but to me it isn't the most important thing - otherwise I would probably choose another career lol. From what I've seen though, average new grad nurses in NC make about $30-35k a year, but of course it depends on alot of factors. I also heard home health was the best for pay, but that they typically will not hire new grads. I actually have already been looking at job postings although I wont graduate from the nursing program until 2012 assuming I get in next year, and its kind of scary because there don't seem to be alot of jobs out there. I remember just a few years ago seeing all sorts of hiring bonuses and relocation bonuses and stuff for RN's! Now I see nothing like that. However I am hoping that by the time I graduate things will be different. Apparently alot of the baby boomer nurses are eligible to retire so over the next couple of years there *should* be more jobs out there for new grads. I hope, anyway! Good luck to you at WSSU!!

Thanks for your response. Good luck to you. Yep I hope the job prospect turns around. I do believe that any job in heath care is better than most other industries at this time. I can't wait to get started.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.
Hello Everyone. This is my first post. I just finished up AP1 and Chemistry pre-reqs. I still have AP2, Micro, and Dev. Psych to take this Fall. I am hoping to get accepted to WSSU's ABSN program for Jan admission. Anyone know someone in the program. What do you know about it. I am trying to get an idea of what life is like for a student ..schedules etc. I am trying to plan in advance for child care and manage my husband's expectations. I look forward to starting the program. I am too excited. Also, my husband keeps asking me what Baptist pays new nurses. I can't seem to find an answer. Anyone know. I try to tell him that, it is really about me finding a fulfilling career, not about the money..but that only gets me so far. (We have been living off his salary for a while.) Any thoughts welcome on WSSU or any ABSN program.

Hello...I too had planned to get into the ABSN program but WSSU had other plans for me. To make a long story short, I wasn't accepted.

Anyway, starting pay for nurses at Baptist is 21.05 and I want to say the night shift diff is like $3.50. I work with nurses who graduated from the ABSN program at WSSU and the only problem they had with the structure of the program was a lack of organization. I've also worked with students who were in the program and they've told me the same thing.

I think they get a $500 monthly stipend while in the program and are required to work 3 years at Baptist after graduating. Baptist is no longer funding all 45 students accepted into the program. You have to interview with both Baptist and the nursing committee at WSSU. If Baptist doesn't think you're a great candidate, they won't fund you. They say it's a good idea to make it known to the nursing committee that you're interested in the program...Meet with director of the program, I can send you a private message with his information.

My suggestion is to have a back up plan. I'm sure you already have your sights set on WSSU but don't let that be your only option. It put me back a semester and a half but I'm finally starting a nursing program :-)

I think you can pick up your application now.

Good luck!

Thanks for your response. I don't have a back up plan. And yes, being funded is critical for me at this time. I don't know how to do the private message. But I would appreciate if you can send me his information. I know we can't put names on here..but I did meet with CG for transcript review to determine my pre-reqs. I originally sent an email to P (cant remember his last name to request information). He sent me an application.

I know it must be disappointing to have to take a different route, but it looks like you are back on track. What program are you starting?

Oh, another question. Did they give you any reason for not admitting you? Do you have an idea of the criteria. I still have a few more pre-reqs to take this fall. They have given me the impression that it is still possible to get accepted if I am still taking pre-reqs. Did you find that to be true? I have a good undergrad gpa and should have a good pre-req far an A in A&P1 and an A in Chem. What do you think they look for most? I hope it is not all subjective or a who you know type of thing.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg. can send pm's when you have 15 posts. If you have other questions about pm's, you can go to What are Private Messages in the Frequently Asked Questions Forum.

Specializes in Substance Abuse, Mental Health.
oh, another question. did they give you any reason for not admitting you? do you have an idea of the criteria. i still have a few more pre-reqs to take this fall. they have given me the impression that it is still possible to get accepted if i am still taking pre-reqs. did you find that to be true? i have a good undergrad gpa and should have a good pre-req far an a in a&p1 and an a in chem. what do you think they look for most? i hope it is not all subjective or a who you know type of thing.

hi! i was struggling for a while between the accelerated bsn program or an lpn program and doing the lpn-bsn program wssu has. my concern is that i have 2 small kids and 13 months, albeit not long for most, is a lot of sacrifice... family time, not being able to work, having to have hubby pick up the slack, etc. i talked with my husband and the accelerated option is the most logical and takes the least amount of time, so i'm gonna go for it. i'm still gonna apply for an lpn program as a backup, but i hope to start at wssu in january of 2011. so i noticed you said you took a&p1 and chem. did you take it at wssu?

i ask because i'm taking statistics and developmental psych at a community college. i tried to get into a&p1 but it was closed. i'm not sure if the cc i'm at now will offer a&p1 in the spring (i know they will offer a&p2). but if they don't, i'm gonna have to bite the bullet, pay extra $ and take it at wssu in the spring and then a&p2 in the summer. the community college classes fill up waaaay too fast and i want to make sure my prereqs are completed before the application due date. i think i heard from someone that having courses in progress is okay, but they will take someone who has their courses complete over someone who does not have them completed. and if you did take them at wssu, did you pay out of pocket or take out loans?...if you don't mind me asking.

if i have to take it at wssu because i can't get it at community college, then i might as well do the rest of the prereqs there as well and take out a loan for the semester. like you, i am praying to god for baptist to fund the bsn because i'm already $30,000 in the hole.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

I didn't ask why I wasn't accepted into the program. I considered it a blessing in disguise. Maybe it was the Lord's way of telling me I wouldn't be able to handle the program's intensity...who knows!

I took all of my pre-reqs except statistics at WSSU and had to take out loans. I could've taken out only the amount needed to pay for classes but opted to get more which put me even further in debt.

I would recommend taking the pre-req's at a CC if at all possible. At WSSU you are REQUIRED to take general bio before taking A&P 1...that new requirement set me back a year. Also, if you decide to take A&P at the community college, be sure to take both parts at the same school. From my experience it seems to be a requirement for the ADN programs at the local community colleges in the area. All pre-reqs are to be completed before applying to the program if I'm not mistaken.

NCBH only funding 30 students just started with the '08 graduating class. Before they funded all 45 students. I think the reason they changed it is because a good number of students broke their contracts. I believe if that were to happen you're required to pay $500 each month for a certain period of time.

I just started the ADN program at GTCC and I seriously feel as if I'm in an accelerated program. So yeah like a previous poster stated...Great time management skills are a must for ANY type of Nursing program!

Good luck!

I am taking all of my pre-reqs at a community college. I am applying even though I will not be done with pre-reqs until December. I hear they have alot more applicants than usual.

Specializes in Substance Abuse, Mental Health.

Yeah, it seems like everyone is trying to go to nursing school now. I really really want to do the program and for them to fund me, but I'm going to be applying to other spring ADN programs as well just in case in doesn't work out. I would prefer to do accelerated but the other ones I looked into (NCCU, Mercy, UNC) don't offer the funding that WSSU does and I refuse to dig myself any further in debt. Regardless, I'm starting somebody's nursing school in January of 2011!!

I also applied for the WSSU ABSN program for the Spring. Does anyone know when we will find out if we were accepted?


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