Published Dec 22, 2003
5,758 Posts
Two weeks ago I was asked to take some extra shifts. I put myself in for two, one this week and one next week. Last week a bonus program was reinstated because of the flu outbreak.(They used to have one but is was discontinued in September.) My extra shifts are not covered because they were booked before the bonus program was reinstated. grrrrrrrr
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
Personally, I wouldn't make a fuss about it as it will make you "look bad" in the eyes of your leadership team. You agreed to work those shifts for a certain amount of compensation and you should be willing to live to fulfill the committment you made without complaint.
However, I don't see anything wrong with politely asking if those will be covered by the new bonus program. ... or smiling and saying in a friendly way that "it would be nice if ..." etc. But I wouldn't get all negative about it. I would keep any comments you make very light and positive -- perhaps even make a joke about your "bad timing" in volunteering too soon. That might make your leadership team feel that they would like to help you out -- and they may end up helping you in some way in the end.
Also, there is nothing wrong in hoping that the policy will change ... but I wouldn't be leading that fight. That would be a bad political move. Your management team is probably working a lot of overtime hours for no compensation at all, much less any bonus-level compensation. During times of crisis (like this), the people who step up to the plate to help out are the ones who get remembered as good employees later.
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
I would complain!!!!
I am going to mention it to NM but in a nice way. No use throwing things or feeling all sorry for myself. After all it is only two shifts and I can still pick up plenty more with the bonus.
190 Posts
I would think an extra shift is an extra shift. Why would it matter when it was scheduled? If you actually work the extra shift in the time frame the bonus' are to be given, yes, you should get the bonus.
There is nothing wrong with going to your manager and talking to her about this. As long as it is done in a professional manner, you have every right to question (not complain) if you will get the bonus for your shift. Good luck.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
I would be bitter if there were people in the facility making a bonus and I wasn't. So it's worth asking them for. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.
We have a bonus program as well. I've told my manager to not even bother asking me to work a minute overtime without the bonus. I probably would say something like "since it's obvious not a critical need, as you're not paying the bonus, I'm not working, so call if the need becomes critical." But then you'd be labeled uncooperative, not a team player, etc.
Originally posted by oramar I am going to mention it to NM but in a nice way. No use throwing things or feeling all sorry for myself. After all it is only two shifts and I can still pick up plenty more with the bonus.
You are not feeling sorry for yourself, you are being taken advantage of.
"We will get as much crap as we take."
That's what's wrong with some of us these days. We want to be nice.
Going to get paid bonus for one of the two days but not the other. See that, was worth asking.
bluesky, BSN, RN
864 Posts
I'm glad you stood up for yourself, woman. To me being nicey nicey is equivalent to posting a welcome mat on your forehead! Please step here.
Hi oramar,
Why only one of the two shifts? If one day is a bonus, why isn't the other? How did they justify that? Just curious.
I didn't really have all the details. The bonus period started Sunday. My extra shift started Sat. 11pm so it does not qualify. However, the extra shift I am working this next Saturday night will count. When I first asked about it I was told no but then they relented.
6,011 Posts
My extra shift started Sat. 11pm so it does not qualify
Why not? At least 7 of the 8 or 11 of the 12hours shift should be covered.
You can mess with a lot but you don't mess with a person's PAYCHECK. Your extra shifts WILL be OT though wont' they? So they should treat you exactly like the ones who fell in under the time frame. You need to assert!