Working ALL the holidays!


Specializes in LTC, Home Health, L&D, Nsy, PP.

I need advice here! I have been working in my L&D department since last June. I work 7p-7a and all of my coworkers on that shift are new. The problem is, I got our holiday schedule yesterday and I am on call Christmas eve, working Christmas night, and working New Years Eve. There is one girl on my shift who has worked NO holidays (we are all required to work at least one). I overheard her say the other day that she had worked Thanksgiving weekend (not Thanksgiving day), so that should be her holiday. I worked the night before Thanksgiving because SHE called me in to help her and was so sleepy I couldn't enjoy the day! Others on my shift have only worked one holiday and none of them have had to take call on a holiday. The thing with me is, I don't even really mind working them, it just hurt my feelings that I was treated as though I'm not important enough to have even a part of the holidays off. That and the fact that my coworker hasn't worked any. Also, another coworker's contribution to the holidays is New Year's night! (Not eve!) What the heck goes on New Years night! AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! :angryfire

I guess what I would do would be to speak with the nurse manager or who ever does the scheduling. I would state that I will of course work the days I have already been scheduled, graciously, but I would ask if there is anyway that next year you can be off one of the holidays, so that you can visit family. Maybe passively I would mention that one of the other new nurses would understand since they are doing it this year.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

Talk to your nurse manager. Point out that you're working all the holidays and ask her to take you off one. If you feel comfortable doing it, point out that one gal isn't working ANY holidays and ask her to have that person switch one holiday with you. She may refuse, but at least you've tried. If she refuses, tell her that you need a written committment to give you off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day next year. (Or whatever holidays you choose). And then make plans for how you're going to spend your holiday pay.

Your nurse manager is probably trying to be fair, but this one slipped by her. Unless you know for sure, don't assume she's playing favorites or picking on you. (Of course, if you do find out that's the case, you ought to be looking for a new job. Those things don't change.)

I need advice here! I have been working in my L&D department since last June. I work 7p-7a and all of my coworkers on that shift are new. The problem is, I got our holiday schedule yesterday and I am on call Christmas eve, working Christmas night, and working New Years Eve. There is one girl on my shift who has worked NO holidays (we are all required to work at least one). I overheard her say the other day that she had worked Thanksgiving weekend (not Thanksgiving day), so that should be her holiday. I worked the night before Thanksgiving because SHE called me in to help her and was so sleepy I couldn't enjoy the day! Others on my shift have only worked one holiday and none of them have had to take call on a holiday. The thing with me is, I don't even really mind working them, it just hurt my feelings that I was treated as though I'm not important enough to have even a part of the holidays off. That and the fact that my coworker hasn't worked any. Also, another coworker's contribution to the holidays is New Year's night! (Not eve!) What the heck goes on New Years night! AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! :angryfire
I know how that is. My first job after I became an LPN, the scheduling coordinator had me on for EVERY single holiday that year, not only the major holidays, but the minor ones as well. After working the day before thanksgiving, the day of thanksgiving, the day after and finding out i had to do the same for christmas and new years...I went to have a talk with them. Actually, it wasn't that I mind working the holidays but they had me scheduled for the holidays AND my regular full time days. I was working long hours and in school at the time and didn't know if i could physically handle it. She told me that it was mandatory overtime. I had to work my regular shifts as well as the extras. I was so angry and exhausted by the time it was all over with. Next time a "minor" holiday came around (can't remember which one it was now) I called in, told them I was sick and they could find someone else. Eventually I got sick of the way they were continuing to schedule me and I quit. With my new job everything is GREAT! So far I haven't had to work any holidays. I do have to work 4 hours christmas eve, but thats no big deal. I hope everything works out for you. It will get better :)


Sounds like you might have to get a good policy in place.

We have holidays schedules divided into two segments. Holiday I and Holiday II.

You rotate each year.

In one, you work New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, 4th of July, some other things like Labor Day, and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

In the other you work a bunch of the more minor holidays and Thanksgiving day and the day before it.

Personally I'd rather see Thanksgiving hooked with New Year's but that's just me.

The point is, when you're hired, you're assigned a holiday schedule for the year. The next year you get the other one. That way there's no messing around with "she never works Christmas" and such. No surprises each year.

At my place (ineffective manager or not), we all work the opposite (eve or day of major holiday) of what we worked the previous year. There are no exceptions. If someone wants to flip flop with someone and both agree, that is of course, okay.

If youhave someone whois deliberately getting out of working the same as everyone else, you need to bring that to the nurse manager's attention and maybe to that employee as well. I know that is a difficult thing to do. There is always one who gets away with it every year. I ahve one at my place as well and everyone knows it. Now, if my manager was better this would not be happening.

Good luck.

Specializes in Perinatal, Education.

We have a hospital-wide policy about how many major and how many minor holidays you have to work each year. We do self-scheduling, and I think it works out pretty well. I am also nights--isn't Thanksgiving Eve the holiday on nights--I know it is in my facility and that was my one major as a perdiem that is my only requirement. I am also working Christmas day night, but I think we only get holiday pay for part of that shift.

You definitely need to bring it to your manager's attention. You might also want to exert some peer pressure on those that don't comply. We have some nurses that never work weekends because they do block scheduling and some that have to work every other weekend. I think that is asking for trouble, but so far nothing has been done. I can't really talk because I only have to work one weekend a pay period and I end up usually choosing three Friday nights and no Saturdays. I can't even imagine being in charge of scheduling--what a horrible job that would be!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

the answer for every place I worked was to work alternating holidays. Just so no one gripes or pulls fast ones, the old schedule from the previous year is posted in Oct, so people can plan accordingly. It works well enough. And many split their holidays into 6 hour shifts, if it suits them. No one is unfairly screwed, including newcomers.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

My assistant nurse manager "NEVER" works any Holidays even though she is expected to work by the same rules as all of us. This year, again, she's not scheduled for a single Holiday. Her story this year is that last year she worked all of them so she could have them off this year. She's not fooling anyone. The only one she worked last year was 4th of July and that was only because the nurse manager made her because we were short staffed. I wish the nurse manager would just say that she, the assistant nurse manager, doesn't work any holidays just like herself and be done with it. I'm tired of the lie's. Hey I think I'll bring this up next time I have an evaluation! What cha think?

Specializes in LTC, Home Health, L&D, Nsy, PP.

Thank you guys for all of your advice and support. It makes me feel better just knowing that there is a place I can sound off, lol. I failed to mention earlier that in October a sign up sheet for the holidays was passed around. It stated at the top that there should be enough of us that if each one of us would take a holiday, we should only have to work one. I signed up for Christmas (which meant Christmas night since I am working nights). The last time I remember seeing the list, every holiday was filled in. I'm just trying to figure out what happened to all the others who signed up for the additional days I'm working! Thanks again everyone for all your advice. :)

We have 3 nurses covering each shift (12 hour) and we are all responsible for 1 summer and 1 winter holiday and we alternate. We can trade as long as it's covered and agreeable to all involved.

My assistant nurse manager "NEVER" works any Holidays even though she is expected to work by the same rules as all of us. This year, again, she's not scheduled for a single Holiday. Her story this year is that last year she worked all of them so she could have them off this year. She's not fooling anyone. The only one she worked last year was 4th of July and that was only because the nurse manager made her because we were short staffed. I wish the nurse manager would just say that she, the assistant nurse manager, doesn't work any holidays just like herself and be done with it. I'm tired of the lie's. Hey I think I'll bring this up next time I have an evaluation! What cha think?

Personally, I think I would go speak to the nurse manager personally and brig this up with her. Suggest that she see that everyone knows that this asst. manager never works holidays. Maybe that will encourage her to either come out and say it or have that asst manager work her share.

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