WORK: Name tags

Nurses General Nursing



What is on your name tag?

First name?

Last name?


We just got new ones, they have the name you go by and under that your full name, under that, your title and under that the facility name.

Large name tags and I am not sure I like having my last name on my name tag (have never had one with it on there)

They are pretty darn big.

Specializes in Travel Nursing, ICU, tele, etc.

We have the choice as to whether or not we want our last name on our name badge due to some stalking behavior that has occurred with patients (rarely, but it does happen) and for general safety issues. Patients can't look you up in the phone book etc.


That was my thought so on the sign up sheet i put declined but they put it on that legal?

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

my first name , inital for last name ( not the full last name) and my title and area i work. and my picture ( yuck)..

Specializes in Travel Nursing, ICU, tele, etc.
That was my thought so on the sign up sheet i put declined but they put it on that legal?

I don't know, but it certainly would be something I would look into.


Not that I anticipate any problem but I do read the news and have heard stories. Why invite trouble? I think a picture and the name you go by should be enough. If anyone needs or wants more info they can always ask.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Hideous picture that make my DL picture look like a glamour shot, first name, hypenated last name, title, dept. name, facility name.

Specializes in Psych, Geri, Fam Med,Teaching,pain mgt.

I worked as a Psych RN for many years. If management insist on having your last name on the tag I would just cover it with tape or use an indelible marker the same color as the font on the tag and make it impossible to read. All kinds of patients can get weird about the nurse that cares for them. Tell your manager you're just trying to keep it professional. (Of course I would also love to see all of management required to wear the same that would put an end to last names in large print........):uhoh3:


I like the tape idea thanks.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Ours has full name, license affilitation (RN, LVN, etc), dept., and the company logo as well as our picture. There is a second tag with RN in big letters that hangs below the badge. Different disciplies have these tags for visibility in ID.

Specializes in Medicine.

Hi there,

Mine has my entire name (including middle...which I hate!!!) dept (just nursing, not my specific floor), my degree (ADN,BSN,ect) the company name, and my picture.

I dont really care about my first and last name, but I just hate how my middle name is on there. Oh well, I'm just glad I have a job and enjoy doing what I do!! :specs:

We have last name on ours. I covered it up. One of our nurses had a lot of trouble with a pt. (to the tune of , calling her, telling her that she seen her little boy playing out side)really scarey stuff. After that, I covered my last name and on med rec forms that we send home I only put initials, usually written sloppy so it can't be read.

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