Published May 11, 2005
817 Posts
I am excited about starting nursing school (LPN) but I have NO DESIRE at all to work in a nursing home. I want to either work in ER, L&D, or a OB/GYN practice. Am I going to be stuck in ltc? I'm in the state if virginia.
153 Posts
I love Long Term Care and in no way consider myself "stuck there". I choose to be there. Our geriatric pts. have the same needs as younger ones, and deserve to have good nurses who care for them and do not feel "stuck". However to answer your question, I do not know about Virgina but around here you can pretty much work anywhere you want. I do not mean to sound a little angry, I am just trying to put to rest the thought that nurses work in Long Term Care because they have no where else to go. I get that a lot from people (nurses included) that just do not understand why I do it. :)
129 Posts
I currently work in a LTC facility, before I started in LTC, I worked in the ICU, I enjoyed the unit, but had to quit d/t no flexability with my schedule (currently working on getting my R.N.), but my nurse manager did tell me that once I had my R.N. she would hire me back in an R.N. position (Thanks, but no thanks)
I actually enjoy the LTC facility, my pt's I get to know, and I get tons of satisfaction from my job (most of the time :chuckle ). I have found that most hospitals want R.N'S in the speciality fields....b/c LPN'S cannot push drugs, hang blood, deal with art lines, the list goes on. Have you worked in a LTC facility before?
Why are you so against LTC?
65 Posts
I also live in Virginia. I am an LPN in an ER, we work both "fast track" and the main ER! I haven't heard of any places here (Hampton Roads) that hire LPN's in L&D, but I know they do hire them in OB/Gyn practices!
Good Luck
2,836 Posts
I am an LPN and I work part-time in LTC and part-time in Hospice. In my local newspapers they have ads looking for LPN's to work in medical offices and LTC. I enjoy working in LTC even though I complain about it. :chuckle
25 Posts
I work in an acute care rehabilitation facility mainly with brain and spinal cord injury patients. I started here fresh out of nursing school.
66 Posts
I work in the ER in a fast track also. Its pretty fun. I get to do a lot more than just fast track. I also worked on the floor in a cardiac care unit. It was great!!! I took 4 patients with the RN working next to me taking 6. We worked together and I functioned at nearly an RN capacity. I was able to work on my assessment skills and take care of cardiac patients which I loved. I also did clinical research but didn't like it. Too little patient care and too much paperwork.
4,177 Posts
There are many slots to fill as a lpn . op may be restricted to rns as are many icus . but if you would like to work med surg... hospice..home
keep your options open..sometime you will find your self in a wonderful situation that you would not have chosen for your self
i wanted to work w/ca pts when i graduated but was sent to cardiac floor and i found it very fullfilling
170 Posts
I work in a clinic setting and I love it. In fact, one of the reasons I am hesitant to start the RN program is that I won't have a job like this when I get done. I have no weekends, nights, or holidays. Being a single mom, this works out really well for me. It's when I would start out as an RN that I would run into problems with all the different shifts and stuff. There are jobs out there for LPNs other than LTC, but they may not be easy to find. :stone
169 Posts
I am presently an LVN/LPN in Labor & Delivery. I sometimes also float to post-partum when they are busy. In the past I have worked Urgent Care, Family Practice Clinic and at a Surery Center.
tiroka03, LPN
393 Posts
currently I work on a neurology floor in a hospital. I have worked LTC and hated it. I have also worked rehab and loved it. What I find working in a hospital is that your duties are limited and that there is someone to do everything. You are more a glorified aide than a nurse. I am not sure if I will keep this job or not as I like to have more responsiblity and control of myself while doing my job.
Princess74,I also live in Virginia. I am an LPN in an ER, we work both "fast track" and the main ER! I haven't heard of any places here (Hampton Roads) that hire LPN's in L&D, but I know they do hire them in OB/Gyn practices!Good Luck
What are we as LPN's NOT allowed to do in Virginia, as far as the scope of practice goes. I also live in Hampton Roads, VA Beach to be specific. Do you work for Sentera?